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Publications iconKansas Register

Legislative Branch

Legislative Administrative Services

Interim Committee Schedule


Pooled Money Investment Board

Notice of Investment Rates


Kansas State Board of Emergency Medical Services

Notice of Meetings

Kansas State Board of Regents Universities

Notice to Bidders

Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders for State Purchase

Kansas Department of Health and Environment - Division of Health Care Finance

Notice of Draft KanCare 1115 Demonstration Waiver Renewal Application

Notice of Amendment to the Medicaid State Plan

Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications

Kansas Department of Agriculture - Division of Conservation

Notice to Contractors for Deer Creek Watershed Joint District No. 55 Rehabilitation Project

Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Accounts and Reports

Request for Proposals for Audit Work


City of Mission, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale

City of De Soto, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale