Volume 41 - Issue 46 - November 17, 2022
(Published in the Kansas Register November 17, 2022.)
North Central Regional Planning Commission
Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids for a camera deployment station as described in the bid form request will be received by the North Central Regional Planning Commission (NCRPC) until 10:00 a.m. (CST) Friday, December 9, 2022, at 109 N. Mill St., Beloit, KS 67420, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud at the same address. A copy of the Request for Bid and project specifications can be accessed by going to http://procurement.ncrpc.org/HS/projects.html or by contacting the NCRPC at 785-738-2218 or hlscoordinator@ncrpc.org. This action is being taken on behalf of the Northeast Kansas Regional Homeland Security Council. Estimated project value exceeds $25,000.
Lisa Peters
Homeland Security Coordinator
Assistant Executive Director
Doc. No. 050662