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Elections iconImportant Election Dates

Below are important dates for the 2025 Municipal Elections.

2025 Primary Election

Monday, June 2 (12:00 p.m.)

Deadline to file as a candidate for all municipal offices.

Saturday, June 21

Deadline to transmit UOCAVA ballots.

Tuesday, July 15

Deadline to register to vote or update your voter registration information to participate in the 2025 primary election.

Wednesday, July 16

First day of advance voting. Advance ballots by mail are transmitted. In-person advance voting may begin. Check with your county election officer for specific times and locations.

Tuesday, July 29

In-person advance voting must begin.

Tuesday, August 5


(If required. Most jurisdictions will not have a primary election.)

(All advance ballots by mail must be postmarked by Election Day and received by Friday, August 8.)

Monday, August 18

Last day for county board of canvassers to certify official results.

2025 General Election

Saturday, September 20

Deadline to transmit UOCAVA ballots.

Tuesday, October 14

Deadline to register to vote or update your voter registration information to participate in the 2025 general election.

Wednesday, October 15

First day of advance voting. Advance ballots by mail are transmitted. In-person advance voting may begin. Check with your county election officer for specific times and locations.

Tuesday, October 28

In-person advance voting must begin.

Tuesday, November 4


(All advance ballots by mail must be postmarked by Election Day and received by Friday, November 7.)

Monday, November 17

Last day for county board of canvassers to certify official results.