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Elections iconCandidate Information

Candidates for public office may be nominated by political party nomination or independent nomination. Democratic and Republican candidates must run in the primary election to secure their party’s nomination. Candidates of other recognized Kansas political parties (currently Libertarian, No Labels Kansas and United Kansas) do not run in the primary and are nominated for the general election by party caucus or convention. Independent candidates do not run in the primary and may only file to run for office by petition. Candidates for national, state, legislative and judicial offices must file their candidacy with the Secretary of State. A candidate is not considered filed until their petition or declaration and fee is received by the Secretary of State (K.S.A. 25-208). Candidates must file by petition or filing fee.

Presidential Candidates

Independent candidates are nominated by petitions containing 5,000 signatures of qualified Kansas voters (K.S.A. 25-303(b)). Write-in candidates must file an affidavit of write-in candidacy along with a $20 filing fee with the Secretary of State (K.S.A. 25-305(d)). Republican, Democratic and Libertarian presidential nominees are selected by their respective political party. The Secretary of State has no oversight in this process. If you have questions on the nomination process for party candidates, please contact the respective state political party organizations.

Candidate Requirements

  • U.S. SENATE | Democratic and Republican primary candidates must have signatures of one percent of the party’s total registration (K.S.A. 25-205(e)(1)). Independent candidates must have 5,000 signatures of registered Kansas voters (K.S.A. 25-303(b)).
  • NATIONAL & STATE OFFICES VOTED BY DISTRICT | Democratic and Republican primary candidates must have signatures of two percent of the party’s total voter registration from the district (K.S.A. 25-205(e)(2)). Independent candidates must have signatures of four percent of the registered voters from the district; at least 25 signatures of Kansas voters but no more than 5,000 voters (K.S.A. 25-303(c)). Primary candidates for the State Board of Education must have signatures of 200 registered voters from the district (K.S.A. 25-1903(a)).

Candidate Fees

When filing petition forms and filing fees, an additional fee is assessed on candidates to help support election and campaign ethics oversight.

  • U.S. SENATE & U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | Democratic and Republican Primary candidates must pay a fee equal to one percent of the salary of the office plus a $20 administrative fee.
  • KANSAS SENATE | $145 fee
  • ELECTED DISTRICT COURT JUDGE & DISTRICT ATTORNEY | Democratic and Republican Primary candidates must pay a fee equal to one percent of the salary of the office plus a $70 administrative fee.