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Publications iconKansas Register


Pooled Money Investment Board

Notice of Investment Rates


Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Accounts and Reports

Notice of Petroleum Storage Tank Release Trust Fund Unobligated Balances

Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Facilities and Property Management

Notice of Requested Architectural Services

Notice of Requested Architectural Services

Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders for State Purchases

Kansas State Board of Regents Universities

Notice to Bidders

Kansas Turnpike Authority

Notice of Public Auction

Kansas Department of Health and Environment - Division of Health Care Finance

Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services

Notice of Amendment to the Medicaid State Plan

Notice of Amendment to the Medicaid State Plan

Kansas Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Bridge Repair Project in Neosho County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Chip Seal Projects in Decatur, Osborne, Rawlins, Rooks, and Russell Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Barton and Pawnee Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Cowley County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Logan County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Lyon County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Marshall and Nemaha Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Marshall and Nemaha Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Morris County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Osage County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Wabaunsee County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Sign Improvement Projects in Clay, Geary, Marshall, Pottawatomie, Riley, and Wabaunsee Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors/Administrators for District 1, Area 2 - Olathe, Kansas

Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors/Administrators for District 1, Area 4 - Topeka, Kansas

Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors for District 5

Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors for District 6

Notice to Consulting Firms for Overhead Sign Structure Project in Sedgwick County


Kansas Development Finance Authority

Notice of Hearing on Proposed Revenue Bonds

City of Atchison, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale

Legislative Branch


Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Permanent Administrative Regulations