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Publications iconKansas Administrative Regulations

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Agency 63

State Board of Mortuary Arts

Article 3.—Preparation and Transportation of Bodies, Burial in Mausoleums and Funeral Establishments

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63-3-10. Death from infectious or contagious diseases. (a) Each embalmer and funeral director shall, at all times, undertake and be responsible for appropriate precautionary measures to prevent the spread of infectious or contagious diseases from deceased human bodies to employees of mortuary establishments, to persons under contract to provide services involved in the preparation and handling of dead human bodies, and to the general public.
(b) When death has occurred from meningococcal infection, Ebola virus infection, Lassa fever, anthrax, rabies, brucellosis, or any other infectious or contagious disease known to be transmissible from human corpses to living humans as determined by the secretary of the department of health and environment, the body shall be handled and prepared by a licensed Kansas embalmer. If any of the above-described infections occurred or was reasonably suspected to be present at the time of death, the body shall be embalmed and placed in a casket or suitable combustible container before transporting and final disposition.
(c) Any body dead from one of the above-described infectious diseases may be cremated or buried without embalming if final disposition takes place within 24 hours of death. Each unembalmed body to be buried within 24 hours following death shall be placed in a metal-lined, hermetically sealed container before burial. Each unembalmed body to be cremated within 24 hours following death shall be placed in a suitable combustible container. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 65-1712, K.S.A. 74-1704; effective Jan. 1, 1969; amended May 1, 1978; modified, L. 1979, ch. 353, May 1, 1979; amended May 1, 1988; amended June 7, 1993; amended Aug. 15, 1997.)
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