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Elections iconElection Statistics

Election information for years prior to 2010 and unofficial and precinct specific election results are available upon request. Please call 800-262-VOTE(8683) or email

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Voter Registration

Monthly Totals

Note: These figures do not include registered voters affiliated with parties who have not achieved major party status as determined by state law. These figures do not include voter registrations that have been received by county election officials but not yet processed. The information below is subject to changes with individual voter registration changes.

Note: These figures do not include registered voters affiliated with parties who have not achieved major party status as determined by state law. These figures do not include voter registrations that have been received by county election officials but not yet processed. The information below is subject to changes with individual voter registration changes.

Note: K.S.A. 25-433 defines an inactive voter as a registered voter who, based on information provided by the postal service, appears to have moved to a residence address outside the county in which the voter is currently registered and who has been mailed a confirmation notice as described in subparagraph (4) of subsection (e) of K.S.A. 25-2316c, and amendments thereto, or because a "Forwarding Order Expired" or "Moved — No Forwarding Address" notice was received from the post office.

Yearly Totals

Note: These figures do not include registered voters affiliated with parties who have not achieved major party status as determined by state law. These figures do not include voter registrations that have been received by county election officials but not yet processed. The information below is subject to changes with individual voter registration changes.

Note: These figures do not include registered voters affiliated with parties who have not achieved major party status as determined by state law. These figures do not include voter registrations that have been received by county election officials but not yet processed. The information below is subject to changes with individual voter registration changes.

Ballots Cast by Type

Provisional Ballots Cast - General

Note: Kansas historically has a higher percentage of provisional ballots compared to all ballots cast than other states because Kansas state law allows a provisional ballot to be cast for any reason.

Note: K.S.A. 25-409 and 25-414 require the election judge to issue to any person offering to vote, whom the judge shall suspect not to be qualified as an elector a provisional ballot. Reasons can include voter not on registration list, voter name change, voter change of address, voter offered to vote in person after requesting an advance mail ballot, and others.

2016 2018 2020
40,872 29,043 45,671

Provisional Ballots Cast - Primary

Note: Kansas historically has a higher percentage of provisional ballots compared to all ballots cast than other states because Kansas state law allows a provisional ballot to be cast for any reason.

Note: K.S.A. 25-409 and 25-414 require the election judge to issue to any person offering to vote, whom the judge shall suspect not to be qualified as an elector a provisional ballot. Reasons can include voter not on registration list, voter name change, voter change of address, voter offered to vote in person after requesting an advance mail ballot, and others.

2016 2018 2020
9,246 9,662 16,037

Advance In-Person

Note: 2020 was the first election cycle where advance ballots (in-person and mail ballot) were tracked by party affiliation.

Note: 2020 was the first election cycle where advance ballots (in-person and mail ballot) were tracked by party affiliation.

Advance By Mail - Total

Note: Kansas law has allowed voters to request an advance by mail ballot without requiring a reason since 1996. Voters with a permanent illness or disability may request permanent advance by mail ballot status by contacting their county election office.

Total Sent: 509,486

Return Rate: 90.1%

Total Sent: 315,095

Return Rate: 82.9%

Note: Kansas law has allowed voters to request an advance by mail ballot without requiring a reason since 1996. Voters with a permanent illness or disability may request permanent advance by mail ballot status by contacting their county election office.

Total Sent: 194,505

Return Rate: 78.2%

Total Sent: 51,455

Return Rate: 58.6%

Note: Kansas law has allowed voters to request an advance by mail ballot without requiring a reason since 1996. Voters with a permanent illness or disability may request permanent advance by mail ballot status by contacting their county election office.

Total Sent: 202,138

Return Rate: 85.8%

Total Sent: 54,302

Return Rate: 67.3%

Advance By Mail - Party

Note: 2020 was the first election cycle where advance ballots (in-person and mail ballot) were tracked by party affiliation.

Note: 2020 was the first election cycle where advance ballots (in-person and mail ballot) were tracked by party affiliation.