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Publications iconKansas Register


Kansas Judicial Branch - Office of Judicial Administration

Notice of Grant Funding

Kansas Department of Transportation

Notice to Contractors for June Letting Information

Kansas Department of Health and Environment - Division of Health Care Finance

Notice of Amendment to the Kansas Medicaid State Plan

Notice of Amendment to the Kansas Medicaid State Plan

Kansas State Board of Regents Universities

Notice to Bidders for University Purchase

Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders for State Purchase


City of Salina, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale

City of Olathe, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale

New State Laws

Kansas Legislature

House Substitute for Senate Bill 387, concerning education; making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, and June 30, 2026, for the state department of education; establishing the education funding task force and requiring such task force to review and make recommendations regarding the state’s school finance system prior to the expiration of the Kansas school equity and enhancement act; abolishing the special education and related services funding task force; revising the special education state aid statewide excess costs calculation; requiring the state board of education to determine excess costs for each school district; requiring the state board of education to establish a special education state aid equalization distribution method and to distribute certain amounts of special education state aid pursuant to such method; requiring each school district to transfer the amount attributable to the special education and related services weighting from the supplemental general fund to the school district’s special education fund; establishing a pilot program in school years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 to require certain school districts to submit annually to the state board of education an at-risk student accountability plan and to measure and show academic improvement in certain student cohort groups; requiring all school districts to participate in such program commencing in school year 2026-2027; holding school districts accountable to meeting the student cohort group improvement goals; revising requirements relating to school district at-risk education fund expenditures; prohibiting the state board of education from substantially revising curriculum standards in English language arts and mathematics until 75% of all students achieve a certain academic proficiency level; requiring school districts to give enrollment priority to students who reside in Kansas over students who do not reside in the state except under certain circumstances; authorizing certain nonresident students to continue enrollment in a school district of nonresidence; authorizing a school district to deem nonresident students as not in good standing prior to enrollment and an appeal process for students who are denied enrollment pursuant to such action; requiring school district student transfer policy revisions to be published on the school district’s website; exempting virtual schools from open enrollment requirements; limiting the legislative option to purchase school district buildings and authorizing the legislative coordinating council to deny the legislative option when the legislature is not in session; prohibiting school districts from refusing to convey a building or property solely because the buyer or lessee may use or intends to use the building or property for nonpublic school purposes; establishing requirements for the determination of virtual school state aid for certain students who are funded on a per credit hour basis; requiring virtual school state aid be determined using full-time equivalent enrollment; authorizing students enrolled in a virtual school to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association

Governor's Line-Item Veto Message

House Bill 2551, making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, June 30, 2027, and June 30, 2028, for state agencies; authorizing and directing payment of certain claims against the state; authorizing certain transfers, capital improvement projects and fees, imposing certain restrictions and limitations, and directing or authorizing certain receipts, disbursements, procedures and acts incidental to the foregoing

Governor's Line-Item Veto Message