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Publications icon2023 Session Laws of Kansas


Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1602

A Concurrent Resolution disapproving the designation of the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened species in Kansas by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and supporting efforts to remove such designation.

WHEREAS, On November 17, 2022, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service listed the lesser prairie chicken as threatened under the Endangered Species Act; and

WHEREAS, This designation creates unnecessary obstacles for Kansas farmers, ranchers and energy producers who wish to manage their own land; and

WHEREAS, The designation of the lesser prairie chicken as threatened is detrimental to Kansas’ agriculture and energy industries; and

WHEREAS, On December 21, 2022, Senators Roger Marshall and Jerry Moran co-sponsored Senate Joint Resolution 70, a Congressional Review Act resolution stating congressional disapproval of the designation of the lesser prairie chicken as threatened; and

WHEREAS, Representatives Ron Estes, Jake LaTurner and Tracey Mann co-sponsored House Joint Resolution 105, addressing the same issue in the House of Representatives; and

WHEREAS, If the resolutions pass, their passage would prevent the designation from going into effect; and

WHEREAS, The resolutions would affirm the rights of farmers, ranchers and energy producers to control their lands and continue their existing proactive measures to protect the lesser prairie chicken: Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas, the House of Representatives concurring therein: That we disapprove the designation of the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened species in Kansas by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service; and

Be it further resolved: That we support the passage of Senate Joint Resolution 70 and House Joint Resolution 105, which would return control to the farmers, ranchers and energy producers of Kansas; and

Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of State shall send an enrolled copy of this resolution to Senator Kerschen.

Adopted by the House February 9, 2023.

Adopted by the Senate January 23, 2023.