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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 21 - May 23, 2024

(Published in the Kansas Register May 23, 2024.)

Johnson County Community College

Request for Proposals

Johnson County Community College is accepting proposals for on-call electrical services (RFP# 24-148) and on-call carpentry services (RFP# 24-149). Solicitation documents may be obtained via the College’s eProcurement site and public bulletin board, ProcureWare, at Call 913-469-3812 or email if you have questions or need assistance. Bids received through ProcureWare no later than 2:00 p.m. (Central Time) June 7, 2024, will be evaluated. Upon completion of evaluation, ProcureWare will be updated with contract award information.

Larry Allen
Senior Buyer
Campus Services
Johnson County Community College

Doc. No. 052153