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Publications iconKansas Administrative Regulations

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Agency 1

Department of Administration

Article 17.—Use of State-Owned or -Operated Motor Vehicles on Official State Business


1-17-1. Use of state-owned or operated motor vehicles on official state business; applicability; definitions
1-17-2. Same; use of state-owned or leased motor vehicles
1-17-2a. State-owned or leased vehicles; travel from employee's residence to his or her official work station
1-17-3. Same; use of state-owned or operated motor vehicles; responsibility of operator
1-17-4. Same; use of state-owned or operated motor vehicles; compliance with regulations; condition precedent
1-17-5. Revoked
1-17-5a. Permanently-assigned vehicles
1-17-6. Requests for state-owned or leased motor vehicles on a daily or trip basis
1-17-7. Revoked
1-17-7a. Agency responsibility for vehicles rented to the agency for official duties
1-17-7b. Written accident reports required
1-17-7c. Accident repairs
1-17-8. Same; use rates and charges for motor pool vehicles
1-17-9. Revoked
1-17-10. State-owned or leased motor vehicles; travel records
1-17-11. State-owned or operated motor vehicles; verification of mileage; point of duty in interstate travel
1-17-12. Supplies, service, maintenance, repair, and storage of state-owned or leased motor vehicles
1-17-13. Expenses incurred in the operation of state-owned or leased motor vehicles
1-17-14. Repairs or purchases for central motor pool vehicles
1-17-15. Emergency repairs or purchases for central motor pool vehicles
1-17-16. Parking for and return of state-owned or leased motor vehicles
1-17-17. State-owned or leased motor vehicles; towing charges
1-17-18. State-owned or operated motor vehicles; accident reporting requirements
1-17-19. State-owned or leased motor vehicles; signs, decals, and bumper stickers prohibited