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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 44 - Issue 4 - January 23, 2025

(Published in the Kansas Register January 23, 2025.)

City of Overland Park, Kansas

Notice of Public Information Meeting

The City of Overland Park, Kansas will conduct its second public meeting regarding intersection improvements at 77th Street and Metcalf Avenue (Project Number ST-2953, KDOT Project Number 046 N-0754-01), including constructing northbound and southbound left turn lanes and a new traffic signal at the intersection. The main focus of the meeting will be to address questions or concerns from the property owners located adjacent to the proposed improvements.

The open house public meeting will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at Matt Ross Community Center, 8101 Marty St., Overland Park, Kansas.

As a member of the community, your thoughts and ideas about this project are extremely valuable.

Please contact Tania Tavakkoli, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, at the City of Overland Park at 913-895-6139 if you have any questions about the meeting.

If you need special accommodations for the meeting, please call Kansas Relay Service at 800-766-3777 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Si requière asistencia en español, favor de llamar a Ed Reyes al 913-895-6047.

Peggy Gott
Contract Specialist
Public Works Department
City of Overland Park, Kansas

Doc. No. 052816