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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 27 - July 4, 2024

Index to Administrative Regulations

This index lists in numerical order the new, amended, and revoked administrative regulations with a future effective date and the Kansas Register issue in which the regulation can be found. A complete listing and the complete text of all currently effective regulations required to be published in the Kansas Administrative Regulations can be found at


Reg. No. Action Register
1-16-21 Amended Vol. 43, Issue 26


Reg. No. Action Register
40-1-36 Amended Vol. 43, Issue 26
40-2-31 New Vol. 43, Issue 26
40-4-29a Revoked Vol. 43, Issue 26
40-8-7 New Vol. 43, Issue 26


Reg. No. Action Register
91-31-35 Amended Vol. 43, Issue 25


A complete index listing all regulations filed by the Kansas Lottery from 1988 through 2000 can be found in the Vol. 19, No. 52, December 28, 2000 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2001 through 2003 can be found in the Vol. 22, No. 52, December 25, 2003 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2004 through 2005 can be found in the Vol. 24, No. 52, December 29, 2005 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2006 through 2007 can be found in the Vol. 26, No. 52, December 27, 2007 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2008 through November 2009 can be found in the Vol. 28, No. 53, December 31, 2009 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from December 1, 2009, through December 21, 2011, can be found in the Vol. 30, No. 52, December 29, 2011 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from December 22, 2011, through November 6, 2013, can be found in the Vol. 32, No. 52, December 26, 2013 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from November 7, 2013, through December 31, 2015, can be found in the Vol. 34, No. 53, December 31, 2015 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2016 through 2017, can be found in the Vol. 36, No. 52, December 28, 2017 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2018 through 2019, can be found in the Vol. 38, No. 52, December 26, 2019 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2020 through 2021, can be found in the Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021 Kansas Register. A list of regulations filed from 2022 through 2023, can be found in the Vol. 42, No. 52, December 28, 2023 Kansas Register.

Reg. No. Action Register
111-4-3771 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-4-3772 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-4-3773 New Vol. 43, Issue 12
111-4-3774 New Vol. 43, Issue 14
111-9-233 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-9-234 New Vol. 43, Issue 14
111-18-5 Amended Vol. 43, Issue 12
111-19-169 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-19-170 New Vol. 43, Issue 12
111-19-171 New Vol. 43, Issue 12
111-19-172 New Vol. 43, Issue 12
111-19-173 New Vol. 43, Issue 12
111-19-174 New Vol. 43, Issue 14
111-19-175 New Vol. 43, Issue 14
111-19-176 New Vol. 43, Issue 14
111-20-1 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-2 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-3 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-4 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-5 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-6 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-7 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-8 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-9 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-10 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-11 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-12 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-13 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-14 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-15 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-16 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-17 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-18 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-19 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-20 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-21 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-22 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-23 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-21-1 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-2 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-3 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-4 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-5 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-6 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-7 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-8 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-9 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-21-10 New Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-501-113 Amended Vol. 43, Issue 11
111-501-155 Amended Vol. 43, Issue 11


Reg. No. Action Register
112-201-1 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-2 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-3 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-4 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-5 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-6 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-7 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-8 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-9 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-10 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-11 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-12 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-13 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-14 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-15 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-16 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-17 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-18 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-19 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-20 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-21 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-22 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-201-23 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-202-1 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-202-2 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-1 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-2 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-3 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-4 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-5 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-6 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-7 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-203-8 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-1 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-2 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-3 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-4 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-5 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-6 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44
112-204-7 New (T) Vol. 42, Issue 44