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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 33 - August 15, 2024

State of Kansas

Board of Examiners in Optometry

Permanent Administrative Regulations

Article 5.—LICENSES

65-5-6. Continuing education. (a) Each licensed optometrist shall earn 24 hours of documented and approved continuing education during each year of the license renewal period.

(b) No more than 12 hours of the 24 annually required hours of documented and approved continuing education may be obtained through courses that do not include a live presentation. No more than four of the 24 annually required hours of documented and approved continuing education may be obtained through observing ophthalmic surgery, which shall not be considered as a live presentation. No more than four of the 24 annually required hours of documented and approved continuing education may be in the subject area of practice management. For the purpose of this regulation, the term “live presentation” shall mean a continuing education program offered at a set time during which the licensed optometrist is physically present in the same room as the moderator or presenter to comment and ask questions in real time. Courses including those presented through the internet, by correspondence, in journals or other publications, and by presentation that is remote or prerecorded, shall be subject to the limitations specified in this subsection.

(c) The following educational programs may be used to meet the annual educational requirement:

(1) Educational meetings of the American optometric association;

(2) educational meetings of the state optometric associations;

(3) scientific sections of the American academy of optometry;

(4) postgraduate courses offered at any accredited school or college of optometry; and

(5) other educational programs approved by the board.

(d) Each educational program required to obtain approval from the board in accordance with (c)(5) above shall submit a copy of the continuing education program, schedule, or outline to the secretary-treasurer or their designee at least 30 days before the date of the program. A comprehensive program package outlining the following must be submitted for non-COPE (council on optometric practitioner education) approved courses:

(1) Course outline with 1.5 to 2 pages per hour of presentation;

(2) instructors;

(3) dates;

(4) times;

(5) location;

(6) course description; and

(7) curriculum vitae or biographical sketches of instructors.

(e) Each licensee shall submit a certificate of attendance of all continuing education courses to the association of the regulatory boards of optometry (ARBO OE tracker) before submitting licensee’s application for renewal to the Board.

(f) The board reserves the right to waive the requirements of subsection (b) for good cause demonstrated by the licensee. (Authorized by K.S.A. 74-1504(a)(6); implementing K.S.A. 65-1509a; effective May 18, 1992; amended March 7, 1997; amended June 9, 2000; amended Oct. 3, 2003; amended June 5, 2015; amended Aug. 30, 2024.)

65-5-15. Reciprocal licenses; active practice requirements. (a) Each applicant seeking a reciprocal license shall demonstrate their active practice in another state, district or territory of the United States by submitting evidence showing that the applicant has been engaged in direct patient care during the time period required by K.S.A. 65-1505(d) or any other time period provided by applicable law. Direct patient care shall consist of at least one of the following on an annual basis, or the substantial equivalent as determined by the board in accordance with subsection (b):

(1) At least 1 full day per week, or its equivalent, for at least 50 weeks; or

(2) a total of 400 hours.

(b) The totality of circumstances may be considered by the board in determining whether the applicant has been engaged in active practice, including gaps in practice necessitated by military service, family leave taken due to the birth of a child of the applicant, or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the applicant.

(c) The following shall not qualify as active practice:

(1) Patient care provided while the applicant is engaged in a training program;

(2) employment that consists solely of research activities that would not otherwise be considered direct patient care; and

(3) employment that consists solely of administrative duties.

(d) An applicant’s practice in any other state, district or territory of the United States shall not qualify as active practice during the existence of any of the following conditions:

(1) The applicant’s license is limited, suspended, or revoked in any other state, district or territory of the United States or has been surrendered in any other state, district or territory of the United States at the time of application.

(2) The applicant’s authority to utilize controlled substances issued by any state, district or territory of the United States, or a federal agency has been surrendered as a result of the applicant’s practice in any other state, district or territory of the United States.

(3) The applicant is subject to an agreement for a limitation to or restriction of privileges at any medical facility or medical care facility as a result of the applicant’s practice in any other state, district or territory of the United States.

(4) The applicant’s membership on any professional staff or in any professional association or society has been revoked or surrendered while under investigation as a result of the applicant’s practice in any other state, district or territory of the United States. (Authorized by K.S.A. 74-1504; implementing K.S.A. 65-1505; effective Aug. 30, 2024.)

Jan Murray
Executive Officer
Board of Examiners in Optometry

Doc. No. 052406