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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 28 - July 11, 2024

State of Kansas

Department of Agriculture
Division of Conservation

Notice of Authorization to Proceed with On-Call Engineering Services

JEO Consulting Group, Inc. has been identified as a qualified entity to provide specific on-call engineering services to the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Conservation. Pursuant to its current “Agreement for On-Call Engineering Services” with JEO Consulting Group, Inc., the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Conservation issued an authorization to proceed on Contract No. SbPP–TSP-2025-02 for cultural resources investigation services to be conducted on the C43 streambank protection site in the Cottonwood River watershed in Lyon County, Kansas. The authorization to proceed was issued on July 2, 2024, for a total approved cost of $2,895.

Additional information about the Division of Conservation’s Streambank Protection Program is available from the program manager by phone at 785-564-6624 or electronically at

Steve Frost
Executive Director
Division of Conservation
Department of Agriculture

Doc. No. 052291