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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 24 - June 13, 2024

State of Kansas

Department of Health and Environment

Notice of Water Quality Certification

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has drafted a water quality certification per Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requested by The Watershed Institute representing Wingert Land, LLC, per Public Notice Permit No. NWK-2024-00328 for streambank rehabilitation projects found at The applicant proposes to place fill within the Cottonwood River for the purpose of bank erosion protection and stabilization and to increase aquatic and terrestrial habitat along 1,500 of river in Lyon County, Kansas. An estimated 2,086 cubic yards of limestone rock to be placed below the OHWM of the river. A total of 765 feet of Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection (LPSTP) and 268 feet of wood toe revetment would be placed along the toe of the bank. The LPSTP would be keyed into the bank at each end with a 66-foot-wide native vegetation buffer along the bank. The draft certification and additional information containing the link to the USACE Public Notice will be posted on the KDHE website at on or before June 13, 2024. Persons wishing to comment on the referenced draft document must submit their comments in writing by email to KDHE at by July 13, 2024, if they wish to have their comments considered in the formulation of final determinations for 401 regarding this public notice.

For more information, contact Scott Satterthwaite, Watershed Management Section, Bureau of Environmental Field Services, KDHE at

Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment

Doc. No. 052212