Volume 42 - Issue 32 - August 10, 2023
State of Kansas
Department of Transportation
Notice to Consulting Firms
Background and Purpose of Project
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking consulting engineering firm(s) prequalified in category 231–Traffic Control Analysis and Design to provide services for the project as listed below.
- Project 106 C-4855-24
Proposals are due on or before 12:00 p.m. (Central Time) August 31, 2023, and should be transmitted via email to Bill.Legge@ks.gov. Ranking and selection should occur by September 22, 2023. Negotiations with the most highly ranked firms to commence on or about October 6, 2023. Agreement(s) should be in place November of 2023.
Scope of Services to be Performed
The Bureau of Local Projects has a Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP). This program enables the KDOT to utilize federal funds to assist local political subdivisions in solving traffic engineering operational and safety improvements when they do not have the traffic engineering expertise available.
The firms(s) selected are to provide traffic engineering services throughout the state during Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2024, 2025, and 2026 with an option to extend the services by one year through FFY 2027. The development of detailed plans, designs, specifications, or estimates will not be undertaken in this program.
The following is a list of possible areas where the consultant may be called upon to do work. Work will not be limited to these categories and will depend upon the nature of a project and its impact on traffic safety.
- Traffic Accident Analysis
- Traffic Counts
- Speed Surveys
- Minor Traffic Generation Studies
- Limited Transit Analysis
- Parking Problems
- Capacity Analysis
- Lighting and Visibility Analysis
- Traffic Signal Progression and Delay Problems
- Intersection Related Safety Problems
- Alignment Problems
- Sight Distance Difficulties
- Railroad Crossings
- Central Business District (CBD) Circulation Studies
- Pavement Marking Analysis
- High Accident Analysis
- School Signing and Markings
- Signal Needs Study
- Major Street Operational Analysis
- CBD Operation, Parking, or Capacity Analysis
Instructions for Proposal
No costs shall be contained in the proposal. The proposal must not exceed six pages total (including any cover letter, index, etc.) and 5MB to address the pertinent topics. Proposals submitted will consist of the proposal and a completed and signed “Certificate of Final Indirect Costs,” “Tax Clearance Certificate,” and “Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment.” Completed attachments do not count against the page limitation. The proposal shall indicate the consultant’s ability to meet the needs described above. The proposal shall describe any processes or procedures, including best practices, that will be used to perform tasks and to produce the desired results described above under “Scope of Services.”
Evaluation Factors
Proposals will be evaluated based on the factors listed below, evenly weighted, to select the most qualified firms.
- Size and professional qualifications.
- Experience of staff.
- Location of firm with respect to project(s).
- Workload of firm.
- Firm’s performance record.
The firms accounting systems must have the following capabilities before the firm may be awarded a contract.
- Valid, reliable, and current costs must be available within the system to support cost and pricing data.
- Capability to provide a means of measuring the reasonableness of incurred costs.
- Capability to identify and accumulate allowable costs by contract or project records which will reconcile with the general ledger.
- Ability to provide supporting documentation of actual expenditures for each billing, based on costs.
The four highest ranked firm(s) will be asked to enter into negotiations with KDOT for an agreement. In the event KDOT cannot reach agreement with one of the four ranked firm(s), it will terminate negotiations with such firm and commence negotiations with the next highest ranked firm(s), and so on, until either agreement is reached for a satisfactory scope of services for a fair and reasonable price, or KDOT decides to pursue other alternatives. Firms not selected will be notified.
Required Attachments to Request for Proposal
- Certificate of Final Indirect Costs
- Tax Clearance Certificate
- Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment
Contract Terms and Conditions
A multi-phase professional services agreement will be utilized and executed with the consultant. Special attachments for the Kansas “Tax Clearance Certificate,” the “Certification of Final Indirect Costs,” and the Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”), submitted with the proposal, will also eventually become attachments to the contract. Questions about this Request for Proposal shall be sent to KDOT by proposers via email to Bill.Legge@ks.gov.
Calvin Reed
Department of Transportation
Doc. No. 051398