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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 42 - Issue 32 - August 10, 2023

State of Kansas

Department of Health and Environment

Public Notice

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has received an application to transfer construction and demolition landfill Permit 776 from G.T. Management, LLC to CNWA Properties, LLC. The permit transfer affects a 3.3-acre disposal area on an approximately 70-acre landfill site. The landfill will be maintained and operated in conformance with state solid waste regulations and accept only construction and demolition waste as defined by Kansas Statutes and regulations. The landfill site is located at 1253 S. 190th St., Weir, Kansas, in the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 15 in Township 31 South, Range 24 East in Crawford County, Kansas.

The Crawford County Commissioners have previously certified that the landfill is consistent with the county’s solid waste management plan and local land use restrictions or zoning. KDHE has reviewed the application and found it to be in conformance with the state solid waste statutes and regulations.

La noticia anterior se refiere a la solicitud de transferencia del permiso 776 para el vertedero de construcción y demolición de GT Management, LLC a CNWA Properties, LLC en la 1253 S. 190th St., Weir, Kansas. Si desea obtener más información en español o tiene otras preguntas, por favor, comuníquese con el Coordinador de No Discriminación de KDHE al 785-296-5156 o en

KDHE is today providing public notice of the intent to approve the proposed permit transfer. However, a final decision to approve the permit transfer has not been made, and KDHE will consider information gathered during the public comment period before making a final decision. A copy of the administrative record which includes the permit application, engineering drawings, draft permit, and other information with respect to this permit action will be available for public review from August 10, 2023 through September 11, 2023 during normal business hours at the following locations:

Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Waste Management
Contact: Heather Merritt
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 320
Topeka, KS 66612

Pittsburg Public Library
Contact: Reference Librarian
308 N. Walnut St.
Pittsburg, KS 66762

Additionally, the permit application form with primary application information is available for public viewing at and at the KDHE southeast district office at 308 W. 14th St., Chanute, KS 66720. Anyone wishing to comment on the landfill’s permit modification should submit written statements postmarked no later than September 11, 2023, to Charles Bowers at the Chanute address, or by email to Mailed comments postmarked on or prior to September 11, 2023 and received within one week thereafter will also be considered.

After consideration of all written comments received during the public notice period, KDHE will make a final decision on whether to issue the permit. Notice of the decision will be given to the applicant, anyone who submitted written comments during the comment period, and those who requested notice of the final permit decision.

Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment

Doc. No. 051389