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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 47 - November 24, 2022

State of Kansas

Legislative Administrative Services

Interim Committee Schedule

The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative committees plan to meet on the dates listed below based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to participate in committee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Legislative Administrative Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email

Date Room Time Committee Agenda
Nov. 21 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Workforce Development Presentations; Committee comments and recommendations.
Nov. 22 548-S 9:00 a.m. Legislative Budget Committee Updates on Education Consensus Caseload Estimates, Consensus Revenue Estimates, ARPA grants for higher education and economic development, broadband expansion, housing programs, funding from bipartisan infrastructure law for wildfires, and federal cybersecurity grant program.
Nov. 28 582-N 9:30 a.m. Special Committee on Mental Health Beds Review of various levels of nursing degrees and associated training requirements; Committee recommendations.
Nov. 28 112-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight Overviews on KORA and KOMA, committee duties and obligations, historical committee recommendations and proposed legislation, SB 367 and 2022 HB 2200, court services and community corrections, Sedgwick County Community Taskforce to Review Youth Corrections Systems Standards; Attend Drug Court; Tour Shawnee County Community Corrections.
Nov. 29 112-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight Overviews on criminal record expungements and costs, offender registration, substance abuse treatment and SB 123 Program; Panel presentation on workforce training; Committee discussion on statutory duties and obligations.
Nov. 29 TBD TBD Special Committee on State Employee and Board Member Compensation Overview of state employee and board member compensation topics.
Nov. 30 112-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight Overview by Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC); Overview and discussion on KDOC facility study report; Presentation by Arista Recovery; Overview of juvenile crisis intervention centers; Presentation on Justice Reinvestment Initiative in Kansas; Committee discussion and recommendations.
Dec. 1 548-S 10:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Fiduciary Financial Institutions Oversight Review of fiduciary financial institutions’ operations in Kansas and the fiduciary financial institutions pilot program; Report from the Office of the State Bank Commissioner; Committee Report discussion and possible recommendations.
Dec. 2 548-S 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Pensions, Investments and Benefits Review of pensions topics.
Dec. 9 346-S 10:00 a.m. Special Committee on Medical Marijuana TBA

Tom Day, Director
Legislative Administrative Services

Doc. No. 050692