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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 47 - November 24, 2022

State of Kansas

Board of Regents Universities

Notice to Bidders

The universities of the Kansas Board of Regents encourage interested vendors to visit the various universities’ purchasing offices’ websites for a listing of all transactions, including construction projects, for which the universities’ purchasing offices, or one of the consortia commonly utilized by the universities, are seeking information, competitive bids, or proposals. The referenced construction projects may include project delivery construction procurement act projects pursuant to K.S.A. 76-7,125 et seq.

Emporia State University – Bid postings: Additional contact info: phone: 620-341-5137, email: Mailing address: Emporia State University Purchasing, Campus Box 4021, 1 Kellogg Cir., Emporia, KS 66801.

Fort Hays State University – Electronic bid postings: Additional contact info: phone: 785- 628-4251, email: Mailing address: Fort Hays State University Purchasing Office, 601 Park St., Sheridan Hall 318, Hays, KS 67601.

Kansas State University – Bid postings: All bids must be submitted via Kansas State University’s Vendor Bid Submission Secure File Upload portal, Division of Financial Services/Purchasing, 2323 Anderson Ave., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Additional contact info: phone: 785-532- 6214, email:

Pittsburg State University – Bid postings: Additional contact info: phone: 620-235-4167, email: Mailing address: Pittsburg State University, Purchasing Office, 1701 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762.

University of Kansas – Electronic bid postings: Due to Covid-19, the University of Kansas will not accept paper bids until further notice. Additional contact info: email: Mailing address: University of Kansas, Procurement Department, 1246 W. Campus Rd., Room 20, Lawrence, KS 66045.

University of Kansas Medical Center – Electronic bid postings: Additional contact info: phone: 913-588-1117. Email: Due to Covid-19, the University of Kansas Medical Center will not be accepting paper bids until further notice.

Wichita State University – Bid postings: Additional contact info: phone: 316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3738, email: Mailing address: Wichita State University, Office of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Campus Box 38, Wichita, KS 67260-0038.

Ephrom Marks
Assistant Director
Purchasing/Strategic Sourcing
University of Kansas

Doc. No. 050524