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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 42 - October 20, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms to perform professional services for the project(s) described in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must email a proposal to by 12:00 p.m. (CDT) November 2, 2022, to be considered for selection. Depending on the number of responses received, KDOT may elect to shortlist (based on proposals) to no more than 3-5 firms and hold in-person interviews prior to final selection (which may be mased on both proposal and interview content). If KDOT deems them necessary, interview evaluation criteria will be distributed to shortlisted consultant teams in advance.

Consultant Prequalification

Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in category(s):

  • 141 – Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
  • 411 – Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Design
  • 231 – Traffic Control Analysis and Design
  • 332 – Travel Studies

If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a proposal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified. Firms must use the KDOT prequalification form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Prequalification Category Definitions (Blue Book) can be found at Consultants may create a team to meet the prequalification requirements. All firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must comply with applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

Table 1: Background and Scope of Project
Project Number Background and Scope of Project
TE-0507-23 KDOT is seeking proposals from qualified firms to assist KDOT with project oversight on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvement projects through the state-funded Kansas Active Transportation Enhancement (KATE) Program, federally funded Transportation Alternatives (TA) program, and other projects with bicycle and pedestrian components included. Details on scope follow.

Table 2: Project Summary
Project Number Route and Location Length (mi) Project Termini
TE-0507-23 106 – Statewide Varies with each location KDOT is seeking proposals from qualified firms for Planning and Engineering Support for the State Funded Active Transportation Enhancement Program
Project Number Type
TE-0507-23 TEX – Transportation Enhancement Program – bicycle and pedestrian Planning – Planning and Engineering Support

Additional Detail of Services

Engineering Support for the Active Transportation Program: KDOT is seeking proposals from qualified firms to assist KDOT with project oversight on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvement projects through the state-funded Kansas Active Transportation Enhancement (KATE) Program, federally funded Transportation Alternatives (TA) program, and other projects with bicycle and pedestrian components included.

Anticipated Consultant Scope

Assist KDOT with project oversight on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvement projects through the state-funded KATE Program, federally funded TA program, and other projects with bicycle and pedestrian components included.

  • Provide engineering technical assistance to KDOT staff on stand-alone and integrated bicycle and pedestrian projects.
  • Serve as the project management consultant on the planning and design leading up to becoming construction-ready and through to close-out.
    • Project oversight will be coordinated with staff from the KDOT Bureau of Multimodal Transportation and the project sponsor and will consist of project tracking from project award through project completion.
    • This will consist of application review, plan development, preliminary engineering, pre-construction review, coordination with the project sponsor and KDOT staff on project status updates, post-construction review, and project closeout.
    • Expected project types will be ADA compliant sidewalks, side paths and crossings; bike lanes; pedestrian signals; traffic calming, e.g., bulb-outs, raised crosswalks, road diets, etc.; multi-use paths; bike/ped bridges; bicycle-friendly shoulders on highways, etc.
    • The review process will include an engineering review of design documents by a KDOT engineer.
    • Site visits will be required.
    • A monthly coordination call to discuss project status will be required.
    • It is anticipated that there will be on average 10-15 state-funded and 15-20 federally funded active projects per calendar year.
    • In addition to the project reviews, the selected firm will also be asked for a limited amount of support for the Bureau of Multimodal Transportation with other non-project specific reporting requirements.
  • Additional duties will include:
    • Aiding communities on the development of competitive applications and understanding of state and federal processes.
    • Educating recipients on moving project forward in a timely manner to remain on schedule based on proposed let date.
    • Reviewing existing TEAP studies and incorporating FHWA STEP recommendations and local planning documents when appropriate and available.
    • Conducting road safety audits and traffic studies where needed/requested.
    • Assisting with oversight of the engineering component of local master planning efforts.
    • Providing oversight of proposed United States Bicycle Routes (USBR) and signing plan.
    • Providing Kansas Active Transportation conference support.

Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates

  1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CDT) November 2, 2022
  2. Anticipated Start Date: Winter 2022
  3. Anticipated End date: Summer, 2025
  4. The program fiscal year for this project is FY2023-25 (July 2022 – June 2025)
  5. Ranking of proposals is expected to occur on or around November 4, 2022
  6. Negotiations with the most highly ranked firm are expected to begin on or around November 14, 2022
  7. An executed agreement is anticipated around December 16, 2022

Instructions for Proposal

  1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pricing information will be considered non-responsive and withdrawn from further consideration.
  2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed 4 pages total (including any cover letter, index, etc.). All pages shall be standard letter size (8.5” x 11”). Any page larger than standard letter size will be count as two or more pages depending on size.
  3. A single PDF (2MB maximum size) of the proposal including all attachments must be emailed to by the proposal due date and time.
  4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name must read:
    1. “TE-0507-23 Active Transportation Enhancement Program, statewide_FIRM NAME”
  5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special Attachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request one at Allow 2-3 business days for processing.
  6. The outline in Table 3 below describes the expected proposal organization and content sections.
  7. Table 4 lists the evaluation criteria and associated weights which will be used to make a selection.

Table 3: Proposal Content
Section Description of Intent Page Limit
Cover Letter 1 Page
Project Approach Demonstrate a unique approach to accomplish the plan and to a high standard. Include cost-effective and optimized solutions to address the anticipated improvements. Include unique qualifications or experience related to the plan approach.
Approach to Schedule Describe the approach to accomplish the scope within the schedule requirements. Include anticipated key milestone dates and availability of staff.
Approach to Quality Control Describe methods or procedures your firm will use to provide all drawings, reports and other services with professional quality and technical accuracy. Name the firm you propose to subcontract with.
Past Performance Describe team’s past performance with respect to ability to meet project schedules; quality of work; and ability to control costs on similar transportation projects, especially those performed for KDOT. Include three references and contact information.
Familiarity with KDOT and Project Area Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s design process and standards. Describe familiarity with the project area and any identified special site conditions.

Table 4: Evaluation Factors
Evaluation Factor Weight
The quality and completeness of the response. 15%
Qualifications and experience of consultant for pedestrian and bicycle project oversight services. 25%
Availability to respond to the work. 10%
Expertise in bicycle and pedestrian accommodations including the most up-to-date standard practices, best practices, and innovative interventions. 20%
Familiarity with applicable federal and state guidelines and requirements. 10%
Familiarity with the management of applicable federal-aid highway projects. 10%
Demonstrated understanding of nature and scope of project. 10%

Contract Terms and Conditions

A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and technical services will be used for professional services projects. The following special attachments will need to be provided by the selected consultant and all subconsultants with the signed work order following negotiations and will become attachments to the contract.

  • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)
  • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”)


All questions regarding this Request for Proposals shall be emailed to

Questions can be submitted until October 19, 2022; answers will be provided to all prequalified consultants on October 25, 2022.

Marcia Turner, P.E., Contracts Manager
Division of Engineering and Design

Doc. No. 050580