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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 38 - September 22, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Wildlife and Parks

Permanent Administrative Regulations


115-2-1. Amount of fees. The following fees and discounts shall be in effect for the following licenses, permits, and other issues of the department: (a) Hunting licenses and permits.

  • Resident hunting license (valid for one year from date of purchase) $25.00
  • Resident hunting license (valid for five years from date of purchase) 100.00
  • Resident disabled veteran hunting license (valid for one year from date of purchase, 30 percent or more service-connected disabled) 12.50
  • Resident senior hunting license (valid for one year form date of purchase, 65 years of age through 74 years of age) 12.50
  • Resident youth hunting license (one-time purchase, valid from 16 years of age through 20 years of age, expiring at the end of that calendar year) 40.00
  • Nonresident hunting license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 95.00
  • Nonresident junior hunting license (under 16 years of age) 40.00
  • Resident big game hunting permit:
  • General resident: either-sex elk permit 300.00
  • General resident: antlerless-only elk permit 150.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): either-sex elk permit 125.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): antlerless-only elk permit 50.00
  • Landowner/tenant: either-sex elk permit 150.00
  • Landowner/tenant: antlerless-only elk permit 75.00
  • Hunt-on-your-own-land: either-sex elk permit 150.00
  • Hunt-on-your-own-land: antlerless-only elk permit 75.00
  • General resident: deer permit 40.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): deer permit 10.00
  • General resident: antlerless-only deer permit 20.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): antlerless-only deer permit 7.50
  • Landowner/tenant: deer permit 20.00
  • Hunt-on-your-own-land: deer permit 20.00
  • Special hunt-on-your-own-land: deer permit 85.00
  • General resident: antelope permit 50.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): antelope permit 10.00
  • Landowner/tenant: antelope permit 25.00
  • Antelope preference point service charge 10.00
  • Any-deer preference point service charge 10.00
  • Application fee for elk permit 10.00
  • Wild turkey permit:
  • General resident: turkey permit (1-bird limit) 25.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): turkey permit (1-bird limit) 5.00
  • Resident landowner/tenant: turkey permit (1-bird limit) 12.50
  • Nonresident: fall turkey permit (1-bird limit) 50.00
  • Nonresident tenant: fall turkey permit (1-bird limit) 25.00
  • Nonresident tenant: spring turkey permit (1-bird limit) 30.00
  • Nonresident: spring turkey permit (1-bird limit) 60.00
  • Nonresident youth (under 16 years of age): turkey permit (1-bird limit) 10.00
  • Resident: turkey preference point service charge 5.00
  • Wild turkey game tag:
  • Resident: turkey game tag (1-bird limit) 15.00
  • Resident youth (under 16 years of age): turkey game tag (1-bird limit) 5.00
  • Nonresident: turkey game tag (1-bird limit) 30.00
  • Nonresident youth (under 16 years of age): turkey game tag (1-bird limit) 10.00
  • Spring wild turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit, must be purchased before April 1 of year of use):
  • General resident: turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit) 35.00
  • General resident youth (under 16 years of age): turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit) 10.00
  • Resident landowner/tenant: turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit) .50
  • Nonresident: turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit) 85.00
  • Nonresident tenant: turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit) 42.50
  • Nonresident youth (under 16 years of age): turkey permit and game tag combination (2-bird limit) 20.00
  • Nonresident big game hunting permit:
  • Nonresident hunt-on-your-own-land: deer permit 85.00
  • Nonresident tenant: deer permit 85.00
  • Nonresident: deer permit (antlered deer) 400.00
  • Nonresident youth (under 16 years of age): deer permit (antlered deer) 75.00
  • Nonresident: deer permit (antlerless only) 50.00
  • Nonresident: combination 2-deer permit (antlered deer and antlerless white-tailed deer) 415.00
  • Nonresident youth (under 16 years of age): combination 2-deer permit (antlered deer and antlerless white-tailed deer) 90.00
  • Nonresident: antelope permit (archery only) 300.00
  • Nonresident tenant: antelope permit 85.00
  • Nonresident youth (under 16 years of age): antelope (archery only) 100.00
  • Nonresident tenant: either sex elk permit 300.00
  • Nonresident tenant: antlerless-only elk permit 150.00
  • Nonresident: deer permit application fee 25.00
  • Nonresident: mule deer stamp 150.00
  • Field trial permit: game birds 20.00
  • Lifetime hunting license 500.00
  • or eight quarterly installment payments of 67.50
  • Migratory waterfowl habitat stamp 8.00
  • Sandhill crane hunting permit: validation fee 5.00
  • Disabled person hunt-from-a-vehicle permit 0

(b) Fishing licenses and permits.

  • Resident fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 25.00
  • Resident fishing license (valid for five years from date of purchase) 100.00
  • Resident disabled veteran fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase, 30 percent or more service-connected disabled) 12.50
  • Resident senior fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase, 65 years of age through 74 years of age) 12.50
  • Resident youth fishing license (one-time purchase, valid from 16 years of age through 20 years of age, expiring at the end of that calendar year) 40.00
  • Nonresident fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 50.00
  • Resident calendar day fishing license 3.50
  • Nonresident calendar day fishing license 7.50
  • Three-pole permit (valid for one year from date of purchase) 6.00
  • Tournament bass pass (valid for one year from date of purchase) 12.00
  • Paddlefish permit (six carcass tags) 10.00
  • Paddlefish permit youth (under 16 years of age) (six carcass tags) 5.00
  • Hand fishing permit 25.00
  • Lifetime fishing license 500.00
  • or eight quarterly installment payments of 67.50
  • Five-day nonresident fishing license 25.00
  • Institutional group fishing license 100.00
  • Special nonprofit group fishing license 50.00
  • Trout permit (valid for one year from date of purchase) 12.00
  • Youth trout permit (under 16 years of age, valid for one year from date of purchase) 4.50

(c) Combination hunting and fishing licenses and permits.

  • Resident combination hunting and fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 45.00
  • Resident combination hunting and fishing license (valid for five years from date of purchase) 180.00
  • Resident disabled veteran combination hunting and fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase, 30 percent or more service-connected disabled) 22.50
  • Resident senior combination hunting and fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase, 65 years of age through 74 years of age) 22.50
  • Resident combination youth hunting and fishing license (one-time purchase, valid from 16 years of age through 20 years of age, expiring at the end of that calendar year) 70.00
  • Resident lifetime combination hunting and fishing license 960.00
  • or eight quarterly installment payments of 130.00
  • Resident senior lifetime combination hunting and fishing license (one-time purchase, valid 65 years of age and older) 40.00
  • Resident Kansas kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license:
  • 5 years of age or younger 300.00
  • 6 through 7 years of age 500.00
  • Nonresident combination hunting and fishing license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 135.00

(d) Furharvester licenses.

  • Resident furharvester license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 25.00
  • Resident junior furharvester license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 12.50
  • Lifetime furharvester license 500.00
  • or eight quarterly installment payments of 67.50
  • Nonresident furharvester license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 250.00
  • Nonresident bobcat permit (1-bobcat limit per permit) 100.00
  • Resident fur dealer license 100.00
  • Nonresident fur dealer license 400.00
  • Field trial permit: furbearing animals 20.00

(e) Commercial licenses and permits.

  • Controlled shooting area hunting license (valid for one year from date of purchase) 25.00
  • Resident mussel fishing license 75.00
  • Nonresident mussel fishing license 1,000.00
  • Mussel dealer permit 200.00
  • Missouri river fishing permit 25.00
  • Game breeder permit 10.00
  • Controlled shooting area operator license 200.00
  • Commercial dog training permit 20.00
  • Commercial fish bait permit (three-year permit) 50.00
  • Commercial prairie rattlesnake harvest permit (without a valid Kansas hunting license) 20.00
  • Commercial prairie rattlesnake harvest permit (with a valid Kansas hunting license or exempt from this license requirement) 5.00
  • Commercial prairie rattlesnake dealer permit 50.00
  • Prairie rattlesnake round-up event permit 25.00

(f) Collection, scientific, importation, rehabilitation, and damage-control permits.

  • Scientific, educational, or exhibition permit 10.00
  • Raptor propagation permit 0
  • Rehabilitation permit 0
  • Wildlife damage-control permit 0
  • Wildlife importation permit 10.00
  • Threatened or endangered species: special permits 0

(g) Falconry.

  • Apprentice permit 75.00
  • General permit 75.00
  • Master permit 75.00
  • Testing fee 50.00

(h) Miscellaneous fees.

  • Duplicate license, permit, stamp, and other issues of the department 0
  • Special departmental services, materials, or supplies At cost
  • Vendor bond
  • For bond amounts of $5,000.00 and less 50.00
  • For bond amounts of more than $5,000.00 50.00
  • plus $6.00 per additional $1,000.00 coverage or any fraction thereof.

(i) Discounts.

  • Discount for five or more licenses, permits, stamps, or other issues of the department purchased by an individual at the same time five percent of the total price

(Authorized by K.S.A. 32-807 and K.S.A. 32-988; implementing K.S.A. 32-807, K.S.A. 32-988, K.S.A. 32-9,100, and 2022 HB 2456, sec. 1; effective Dec. 4, 1989; amended Sept. 10, 1990; amended Jan. 1, 1991; amended June 8, 1992; amended Oct. 12, 1992; amended April 11, 1994; amended Aug. 29, 1994; amended June 5, 1995; amended Aug. 21, 1995; amended Feb. 28, 1997; amended July 30, 1999; amended Jan. 2, 2002; amended Jan. 1, 2003; amended Jan. 1, 2004; amended Feb. 18, 2005; amended Jan. 1, 2006; amended May 1, 2006; amended Jan. 1, 2007; amended Jan. 1, 2008; amended Jan. 1, 2009; amended Jan. 1, 2010; amended Aug. 1, 2010; amended Jan. 1, 2011; amended Jan. 1, 2013; amended April 19, 2013; amended Nov. 15, 2013; amended Jan. 1, 2015; amended Jan. 1, 2016; amended Jan. 1, 2018; amended April 26, 2019; amended Sept. 20, 2019; amended Jan. 1, 2021; amended Oct. 7, 2022.)

Article 4.—BIG GAME

115-4-11. Big game and wild turkey permit applications. (a) General application provisions.

(1) Unless otherwise authorized by law or regulation, an individual shall not apply for or obtain more than one antlered or horned big game or wild turkey permit for each big game species or wild turkey, except when the individual is unsuccessful in a limited quota drawing and alternative permits for the species are available at the time of subsequent application or when the individual is the final recipient of a commission permit.

(2) Unless otherwise authorized by law or regulation, each big game or wild turkey permit application shall be signed by the individual applying for the permit.

(3) Subject to any priority draw system established by this regulation, if the number of permit applications of a specific species and type received by the designated application deadline exceeds the number of available permits of that species and type, a random drawing to issue permits of that species and type shall be conducted by the secretary.

(4) A hunt-on-your-own-land permit shall not be tabulated in a priority draw system if the permit would otherwise reduce the applicant’s odds of receiving a big game permit through that draw system.

(b) Deer permit applications.

(1) Subject to any priority draw system established by this subsection, in awarding deer permits in units having a limited number of permits, the first priority shall be given to those applicants who did not receive, in the previous year, a deer permit that allowed the taking of an antlered deer. All other deer permit applicants shall be given equal priority.

(2) In awarding a limited number of deer permits by a priority draw system, the first priority shall be given to those individuals who have earned the highest number of preference points. Preference points shall be awarded as follows:

(A) One point shall be awarded to an individual for each year the individual is unsuccessful in obtaining, by a priority draw system, a deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer.

(B) If the individual fails to make at least one application or purchase one preference point within a period of five consecutive years, all earned points shall be lost.

(C) If an applicant obtains, by a priority draw system, a deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, all earned points shall be lost.

(D) If the number of applicants with the most preference points exceeds the number of permits for specified units or permit types, then a drawing shall be held to determine the successful applicants.

(E) If an individual wants to apply for a preference point for a deer permit that allows the taking of antlered deer and not receive a permit, the person may apply for and receive a preference point by paying the proper application or preference point fee and submitting an application during the application period specified in this regulation. No individual may apply for more than one preference point in the same calendar year, and no individual shall apply for a preference point in the same calendar year as the calendar year in which the individual is applying for a permit.

(3) If an individual is a final recipient of a commission deer permit, the individual shall not possess more than one regular antlered deer permit and one commission deer permit.

(4) Applications for nonresident limited-quota antlered deer permits shall be accepted in the Pratt office from the earliest date that applications are available through the last Friday of April each year. Any nonresident applicant may select, at the time of application, one deer management unit and up to one adjacent management unit where that permit shall be valid.

(5) Applications for resident firearms either-species, either-sex permits shall be accepted at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available through the second Friday of June.

(6) Applications for resident any-season white-tailed either-sex deer permits, resident archery deer permits, resident muzzleloader either-species either-sex permits, and hunt-on-your-own-land deer permits shall be accepted at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available through December 30.

(7) Each resident applicant for either-species, either-sex muzzleloader or firearm deer permits shall select, at the time of application, the unit where the permit shall be valid. The west unit permit shall be valid in units 1, 2, 17, and 18. The east unit permit shall be valid in units 3, 4, 5, 7, and 16.

(8) Applications for antlerless white-tailed deer permits shall be accepted at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available through January 30 of the following year.

(9) Each nonresident applicant for a regular deer permit shall have purchased a nonresident hunting license before submitting the application or shall purchase a nonresident hunting license when submitting the application.

(c) Antelope permit applications. In awarding antelope permits, the first priority shall be given to those individuals who have earned the highest number of preference points. Preference points shall be awarded as follows:

(1) One point shall be awarded to an individual for each year the individual is unsuccessful in obtaining an antelope permit.

(2) If the individual fails to submit at least one application or purchase one preference point within five consecutive years, all earned points shall be lost.

(3) If an applicant obtains an antelope permit by a priority draw system, all earned points shall be lost.

(4) If the number of applicants with the most preference points exceeds the number of permits for specified units or permit types, then a drawing shall be held to determine the successful applicants.

(5) If an individual wants to apply for a preference point for an antelope permit and does not receive a permit, the person may apply for and receive a preference point by paying the preference point fee and submitting an application during the application period specified in this regulation. No individual may apply for more than one preference point in the same calendar year, and no individual shall apply for a preference point in the same calendar year as the calendar year in which the individual is applying for a permit.

(6) Applications for resident permits shall be accepted in the Pratt office from the earliest date that applications are available through the second Friday of June.

(7) Applications for resident and nonresident archery permits shall be accepted at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available through October 30.

(8) If there are any unfilled permits after all timely applications have been considered, the application period may be extended by the secretary.

(9) Any applicant unsuccessful in obtaining a permit through a drawing may apply for any permit made available during an extended application period, or any other permit that is available on an unlimited basis. If the applicant receives a permit made available during an extended application period or on an unlimited basis, that individual shall not receive a preference point in the same calendar year as the calendar year in which the individual receives that other permit.

(d) Elk permit applications.

(1) An individual receiving a limited-quota elk permit shall not be eligible to apply for or receive an elk permit in subsequent seasons, with the following exceptions:

(A) An individual receiving an any-elk or a bull-only elk permit may apply for and receive an antlerless-only elk permit in subsequent seasons.

(B) An individual receiving a limited-quota, antlerless-only elk hunting permit shall not be eligible to apply for or receive a limited-quota, antlerless-only elk permit for a five-year period thereafter. Subject to this subsection, however, this individual may apply for and receive an any-elk or bull-only elk permit without a waiting period.

(C) When a limited number of elk permits are awarded by a random draw system, each individual shall have an additional opportunity of drawing for each bonus point earned by the individual in addition to the current application. Bonus points shall be awarded as follows:

(i) One bonus point shall be awarded to an individual for each year the individual is unsuccessful in obtaining, by a random draw system, an elk permit that allows the taking of an elk.

(ii) If an individual fails to make at least one application or purchase one bonus point within five consecutive years, all earned bonus points shall be lost.

(iii) If an applicant obtains, by a random draw system, an elk permit that allows the taking of an elk, all earned points shall be lost.

(iv) If an individual wants to apply for a bonus point for an elk permit that allows the taking of elk and not receive a permit, the person may apply for and receive a bonus point by paying the proper application or bonus point fee and submitting an application during the application period specified in this regulation. No individual may apply for more than one bonus point in the same calendar year, and no individual shall apply for a bonus point in the same calendar year as the calendar year in which the individual is applying for a permit.

(D) Each individual who is the final recipient of a commission elk permit shall be eligible for a limited-quota elk permit, subject to the provisions of this subsection.

(E) Limited-quota antlerless-only elk permits and limited-quota either-sex elk permits shall be awarded from a pool of applicants who are Fort Riley military personnel and applicants who are not Fort Riley military personnel.

(2) Applications for hunt-on-your-own-land and unlimited over-the-counter elk permits shall be accepted at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available through March 14 of the following year.

(3) Applications for limited-quota antlerless-only elk permits and limited-quota either-sex elk permits shall be accepted at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available through the second Friday in June.

(4) If there are leftover limited-quota antlerless-only elk permits or limited-quota either-sex permits after all timely applications have been considered, the application periods for those permits may be reopened by the secretary. Leftover permits shall be drawn and issued on a daily basis for those application periods reopened by the secretary. Any applicant unsuccessful in obtaining a permit through a drawing may apply for any leftover permit or any other permit that is available on an unlimited basis.

(5) Any individual may apply for or obtain no more than one permit that allows the taking of an elk, unless the individual is unsuccessful in a limited-quota drawing and alternative permits for elk are available at the time of subsequent application or the individual obtains a commission permit pursuant to this subsection.

(e) Wild turkey permit applications.

(1) When awarding wild turkey permits in units having a limited number of permits, the first priority shall be given to those individuals who did not receive a permit in a limited wild turkey unit during the previous year. All other applicants shall be given equal priority.

(2) In awarding a limited number of wild turkey permits by a priority draw system, the first priority shall be given to those individuals who have earned the highest number of preference points. Preference points shall be awarded as follows:

(A) One point shall be awarded to an individual for each year the individual is unsuccessful in obtaining, by a priority draw system, a wild turkey permit.

(B) If the individual fails to submit at least one application or purchase one preference point within five consecutive years, all earned points shall be lost.

(C) If an applicant obtains, by a priority draw system, a wild turkey permit, all earned points shall be lost.

(D) If the number of applicants with the most preference points exceeds the number of permits for specified units or permit types, then a drawing shall be held to determine the successful applicants.

(E) If an individual wants to apply for a preference point for a wild turkey permit and not receive a permit, the person may apply for and receive a preference point by paying the preference point fee and submitting an application during the application period specified in this regulation. No individual may apply for more than one preference point in the same calendar year, and no individual shall apply for a preference point in the same calendar year as the calendar year in which the individual is applying for a permit.

(3) Fall wild turkey permits for unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 5, and unit 6, youth turkey permits, and game tags for unit 2, unit 3, unit 5, and unit 6 may be purchased over the counter at designated locations, from the earliest date in the year that applications are available through 5:00 p.m. on January 30 of the following year.

(4) Applications for spring wild turkey permits in unit 4 shall be accepted by the department from the earliest date that applications are available until midnight on the second Friday of February. If there are turkey permits left over after all timely applications have been considered, the application period may be reopened by the secretary. Leftover turkey permits shall be issued on a daily competitive basis until the day before the last day of the turkey season or until all turkey permits are issued.

(5) Spring wild turkey permits in unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 5, and unit 6, youth turkey permits, and game tags in unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 5, and unit 6 may be purchased over the counter at designated locations from the earliest date that applications are available until midnight on the day before the closing date for the season. (Authorized by K.S.A. 32-807, K.S.A. 32-937, K.S.A. 32-969, and K.S.A. 32-970; implementing K.S.A. 32-937, K.S.A. 32-969, and K.S.A. 32-970; effective Sept. 10, 1990; amended May 27, 1991; amended June 1, 2001; amended April 18, 2003; amended Feb. 18, 2005; amended May 15, 2009; amended Feb. 5, 2010; amended April 8, 2011; amended May 24, 2013; amended Nov. 30, 2015; amended April 21, 2017; amended April 26, 2019; amended Oct. 7, 2022.)


115-9-3. Purchase of lifetime hunting or lifetime combination hunting and fishing licenses without certificate of completion of an approved hunter education course. (a) Any individual may purchase a lifetime hunting or lifetime combination hunting and fishing license for a Kansas resident born after July 1, 1957, pursuant to K.S.A. 32-920 and amendments thereto, before issuance to that resident of a certificate of completion of an approved hunter education course.

(b) Any resident may purchase a lifetime hunting or lifetime combination hunting and fishing license or a resident Kansas kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license before issuance of a certificate of completion of an approved hunter education course to that resident.

(c) Each lifetime license purchased under subsection (a) or (b) shall be issued with a notice that the lifetime license is not valid until the recipient of the lifetime license has been issued a certificate of completion of an approved hunter education course. (Authorized by K.S.A. 32-807 and K.S.A. 32-920; implementing K.S.A. 32-920 and 2022 HB 2456, sec. 1; effective Dec. 26, 1989; amended Oct. 7, 2022.)

Brad Loveless

Doc. No. 050526