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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 36 - September 8, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking qualified consulting firms or teams of firms to perform professional services for the FY27 Priority Bridge Replacement Program (PBRP). Summary information for each project included in the program is provided in Table 1 with additional information available in the file entitled “FY27 PBRP.xlsx” which can be found at the location linked below Table 1.

Interested consultants must email a proposal to by 12:00 p.m. (CDT) September 28, 2022, to be considered for selection.

Consultant Prequalification

Consulting firms interested in providing service on a given project must be prequalified by KDOT in one of each of All the following category bullets:

  • 211 Highway Design–Major Facility OR 212 Highway Design–Minor Facility (see “FY27 PBRP.xlsx”) and
  • 221 Non-Standard Span Bridge Design OR 222 Standard Span Bridge Design (see “FY27 PBRP.xlsx”) and
  • 231 Traffic Control Analysis and Design and
  • 301 Land Surveying and
  • 302 Engineering Surveying and
  • 336 Right of Way Services

In addition, consultants hoping to execute projects which will begin at Discovery Phase must be prequalified in Category 201 Location and Design Concept Studies/Corridor Studies.

If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT in a required category, a proposal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified for each specified category listed in this notice for the project. Firms must use the KDOT prequalification form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Pre-Qualification Category Definitions (Blue Book) can be found at Consultants may create a team to meet the prequalification requirements. All firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must comply with applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

Background and Scope of Project

As part of KDOT’s annual preservation program, the agency selects and commences design for the replacement of a number of bridges. Design for some of those bridges is handled in-house; design for other bridges is solicited to consultants. With this single solicitation, KDOT is requesting consulting services for the latter subset of projects which are programmed to be let for construction in FY27.

Table 1 provides basic information for each project included in the FY27 PBRP. Firms can express interest in the projects for which they would like to be considered by submitting responses for each as indicated below. There is no guarantee that a firm which has expressed interest will be selected for any project.

Table 1: Summary of Project Information
Rt-Co Project # County Br #* Project Letting** Location Feature Crossed Feature Carried
68-30 KA-6723-01 Franklin 076 Fall 38.6229, -95.0705 Turkey Creek K-68 Hwy.
70-89 KA-6808-01 Shawnee 039 Late Fall/Early Spring 39.0348, -95.6510 I-70 California Ave.
32-105 KA-6812-01 Wyandotte 086 February/March 39.0623, -94.8214 Betts Creek Drainage K-32 Hwy.
185-99 KA-6813-01 Wabaunsee 010 October 39.0654, -96.2420 I-70, NL-SL RS1013, K-185 Hwy.
236-66 KA-6814-01 Nemaha 026 September/October 39.8606, -95.9396 Harris Creek K-236 Hwy.
28-45 KA-6815-01 Jewell 036 Fall 39.6395, -98.0091 Buffalo Creek Drainage K-28 Hwy.
9-69 KA-6818-01 Norton 051 Fall 39.6530, -99.7142 North Fork Soloman Drainage K-9 Hwy.
24-71 KA-6819-01 Osborne 002 Fall 39.4733, -98.9781 South Fork Solomon R Drain US-24 Hwy.
36-74 KA-6820-01 Phillips 004 Fall 39.8028, -99.4730 Deer Creek US-36 Hwy.
36-74 KA-6821-01 Phillips 015 September 39.7637, -99.0790 Kyle Railroad US-36 Hwy.
31-16 KA-6825-01 Coffey 050 Fall 38.3905, -95.5598 Rock Creek Drainage K-31 Hwy.
31-16 Coffey 051 Fall 38.3904, -95.5176 Rock Creek Drainage K-31 Hwy.
5-105 KA-6826-01 Wyandotte 193 September/October 39.1448, -94.6306 Railroad Yard K-5 Hwy.
50-40 KA-6828-01 Harvey 071 Fall 38.0273, -97.3722 Meridan Ave., BNSF Railroad US-50 Hwy.
50-78 KA-6830-01 Reno 003 Fall 37.9851, -98.1900 Sugar Creek US-50 Hwy.
11-78 KA-6831-01 Reno 027 Fall 37.8427, -98.1968 Silver Creek K-11 Hwy.
56-24 KA-6832-01 Edwards 005 Fall 37.9510, -99.3823 Coon Creek US-56 Hwy.
96-68 KA-6834-01 Ness 043 Fall 38.4512, -99.6873 Walnut Creek Drainage K-96 Hwy.
96-68 Ness 039*** Fall 38.4509, -99.7822 Walnut Creek Drainage K-96 Hwy.
235-87 KA-6836-01 Sedgwick 065 Fall 37.6186, -97.3373 UP Railroad I-235 Hwy. SB
235-87 Sedgwick 066 Fall 37.6191, -97.3371 UP Railroad I-235 Hwy. NB
24-14 KA-6839-01 Clay 006 Anytime 39.3809, -97.0709 Lincoln Creek Drainage US-24 Hwy.
24-14 Clay 007 Anytime 39.3806, -97.0623 Lincoln Creek US-24 Hwy.
24-14 Clay 008 Anytime 39.3797, -97.0080 West Branch Mall Creek US-24 Hwy.
24-14 Clay 009 Anytime 39.3794, -96.9725 Mall Creek US-24 Hwy.
24-14 Clay 506 Anytime 39.3795, -96.9882 West Branch Mall Creek Drainage US-24 Hwy.
635-105 KA-6840-01 Wyandotte 034 September/October 39.0659, -94.6796 Douglas Ave. I-635 Hwy.
635-105 Wyandotte 035 September/October 39.0660, -94.6794 Douglas Ave. I-635 Hwy.
36-92 KA-6841-01 Smith 018 July 39.7636, -98.5605 US-281/K-181 US-36 Hwy.
70-105 KA-6842-01 Wyandotte 027 Discovery 39.1026, -94.6216 I-70, Railroad Yard, Kansas River Central Ave.
70-105 Wyandotte 289 Discovery 39.1023, -94.6213 Railroad Yard I-70 EB off RP 4-E
70-105 Wyandotte 290 Discovery 39.1028, -94.6213 Railroad Yard I-70 EB on RP 3-E
* For clarity, “BR #” is short hand for “bridge serial number.”
** If “Project Letting” field on a project states “Discovery,” it means that KDOT intends to select a consultant to provide Discovery Phase services only (at this time) but could add subsequent phases to the selected consultant’s scope (at KDOT’s discretion). KDOT anticipates these will be significant and more complex discovery efforts.
*** For BR/serial #039, the selected consultant shall only provide bridge design services (KDOT will perform highway design for that bridge).

Additional project information including “FY27 PBRP.xlsx,” bridge inspection reports, and old plans can be accessed at Tabulated information shall not be relied upon in design. It is being provided for the convenience of consultants, specifically to aid in their decision making about which projects they are interested in executing.

Anticipated Consultant Scope

The scope of services required will vary for each project and may include Survey Services, Right of Way Services, Discovery Phase Services, Preliminary Design Services, Final Design Services, Environmental Documentation Preparation (Permitting). Initial agreements will be signed for the first required phase of each project. Subsequent phases of any particular project may be added to the selected consultant’s scope via supplemental (at KDOT Secretary’s discretion), are not guaranteed to progress to subsequent phases, and may be resolicited (at KDOT Secretary’s discretion).

Depending on the project, KDOT anticipates some variation of the following will be included in the selected consultant’s scope: land and engineering survey to support right of way development, bridge type selection, bridge design, road design, traffic engineering, hydrology/hydraulics, designer construction services, and permitting assistance for some projects. Current expectations for consultant scope and what will be provided by KDOT are detailed below. The scope included herein may not be all-inclusive and is subject to change. A scoping meeting will take place for each project after consultant selection is made.

Project Management

  • Develop and communicate Project Management Plan and Quality Assurance Plan.
  • Perform quality control checks according to Quality Assurance Plan.
  • Provide electronic plan files compliant with KDOT Graphic Standards Manual, including CAD conformance checks and ControlCAD indexed DGN files with ProjectWise attributes.
  • Provide bi-annual construction cost estimates and at major project milestones.

Road Design

  • Discovery Phase (for projects listed as beginning at that phase).
  • Develop plans to Materials and Research.
  • Building of the existing right of way.
  • Develop Preliminary Plans to Field Check.
  • Perform roadway geometric design, drainage design, and roadside safety analysis. Note that, in most cases:
    • The existing horizontal and vertical alignments will be utilized for the proposed condition in most cases.
    • Retaining the existing typical section of the roadway will be a priority so that no new right of way (including temporary easements) will need to be acquired.
  • Visit the project site location.

Survey and Right of Way

  • Provide a full survey including structures in the existing right of way. The deliverables shall incorporate the full project including the roadway and bridge surveys and will be provided in the Kansas Regional Coordinate System.
  • Establish and determine impacts to right of way and utilities.
  • Based upon consultant’s field survey data and historical KDOT project information, consultant shall establish and compile into a right of way strip map the positions and locations of the existing highway right of way and property lines for the ownership adjacent thereto. Consultant shall perform these activities using coordinate geometry and Bentley Open Site Designer.
  • Visit the project site location.

Bridge Design

  • For some projects, the consultant will propose and evaluate different (e.g.: skewed) framing layouts for review and acceptance by the KDOT Bridge Office. Focus shall be to minimize disruption to the site and facilitate efficient construction to minimize closures.
  • In most cases, the proposed structure will need to match the existing structure’s geometry (vertical, horizontal, and cross-slope). The proposed structure will need to preserve existing vertical clearance windows for feature(s) crossed.
  • Bridge hydraulics for stream crossings.
  • Develop Preliminary Plans to Field Check for the replacement.

Traffic Engineering

  • Development of Traffic Management Plan, including coordination with the local government and KDOT office.
  • Develop permanent signing and pavement marking plans.
  • Develop Traffic Control Plans.
  • Traffic Modeling may be required for projects which begin at Discovery Phase but likely will be performed by KDOT for projects not listed as such. See below for how Traffic Forecasting will likely be handled.

Activities to be performed by KDOT include:

  • Traffic forecasting data will be provided by KDOT.
  • Environmental Services, including lead paint testing and permit application.
    • Note: Technical data to support these activities will be required from the consultant immediately after field check.
  • Permits will include NPDES – Storm Water Runoff Permit in which KDOT will require from consultant:
    • Total project site area in acres.
    • Total disturbed area in acres (from Seeding Plans).
    • Impervious area in square feet (existing and proposed).
    • Above information needs to be provided by consultant (90) days prior to letting.
  • Utility coordination, if required.
  • Geology and geotechnical services including soil investigations, bridge foundation geology, pavement field investigation and design, and surfacing recommendations.

Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates

  1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CDT) September 28, 2022
  2. Ranking of proposals is expected to occur on or around October 28, 2022. Negotiations with the most highly ranked firm are expected to begin on or around November 4, 2022. An executed agreement is anticipated around December 14, 2022.
  3. The program fiscal year for this project is FY27 July 2026–June 2027.

These projects must be let in Fiscal Year 2027; therefore the design activities must be scheduled to deliver complete plans between July 2026 and December 2026. Approximate letting timeframes are provided in the table above. These projects may follow an accelerated delivery schedule with some submittals required earlier than a typical KDOT design project to meet the letting requirements.

Note: If the table indicates letting may happen “Anytime”, it shall be understood that KDOT anticipates no construction will occur during the winter months on these projects.

All dates are subject to change.

Instructions for Proposal

  1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pricing information will be considered non-responsive and withdrawn from further consideration.
  2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed the page limit laid out in Table 2 below (including any cover letter, index, etc.). All pages shall be standard letter size (8.5” x 11”). Any page larger than standard letter size will be counted as two or more pages, depending on size.
  3. A single PDF (5MB maximum size) of the proposal including all attachments must be emailed to by the proposal due date and time.
  4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name must read:
    1. “KDOT FY27 Priority BR Rplcmt_FIRM NAME”
  5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special Attachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request one at Allow 2-3 business days for processing. Both attachments are required for every firm involved in a multi-consultant team.
  6. The outline in Table 2 below describes the expected proposal organization, content sections, and limits on number of pages.
    1. Each team is limited to a single, one-page cover letter and a single page of general qualifications (“Past Performance” section plus “Familiarity with KDOT and Project Area” section) regardless of the number of projects in which they are expressing interest.
    2. Consultants may indicate interest in any and all projects and indicate preference(s) for up to three projects and shall do so on the “FY27 Priority Bridge Replacement Program Interest and Preference Form” (available at
    3. Thereafter, each team is limited to two pages per project in which they are expressing interest. In these pages, consultants shall:
      1. Describe the approach they plan to execute to deliver success on the project.
      2. Present the relevant qualifications and experience of the people they are proposing will provide the services.
  7. Table 3 lists the evaluation criteria and associated weights which will be used by KDOT when making selections.

Table 2: Proposal Content
Section Description of Intent Page Limit
Cover Letter 1 page
Past Performance Describe team’s past performance with respect to ability to meet project schedules; quality of work; and ability to control costs on similar transportation projects, especially those performed for KDOT. Include three references and contact information. 1 Page
Familiarity with KDOT and Project Area Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s design process and standards. Describe familiarity with the project area and any special conditions.
Consultant Project Interest and Preference Fill out “FY27 Priority Bridge Replacement Program Interest and Preference Form” and submit with your proposal. 1 Page
Project Approach Demonstrate a unique approach to accomplish the design efficiently and to a high standard. Include cost-effective and optimized solutions to address the anticipated improvements in the design and your plan for addressing any anticipated project constraints. Include unique qualifications or experience related to the project approach. 2 Pages
Approach to Schedule Describe the approach to accomplish the scope of services within the schedule requirements. Include anticipated key milestone dates and availability of staff.
Approach to Quality Control Describe methods or procedures your firm will use to provide all drawings, reports and other services with professional quality and technical accuracy.
Qualifications and Experience For key personnel to be assigned to the project provide names, office location, qualifications, education, training, and expertise. Identify their area(s) of responsibility and percent of their time dedicated to the project. List work for which you do not have in-house capability and name the firm with which you propose to subcontract.

Table 3: Evaluation Factors
Evaluation Factor Weight
Qualifications and experience of project manager and other key project team members proposed for services 25%
Understanding of project constraints and technical approach 25%
Approach and commitment to meet advertised schedule 15%
Past performance history for similar projects/services for KDOT 20%
Understanding of the project area 15%

Contract Terms and Conditions

KDOT anticipates that each project will be contracted separately. A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and technical services will be used for professional services projects. The following special attachments will need to be provided by the selected consultant and all subconsultants with the signed work order following negotiations and will become attachments to the contract.

  • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)
  • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”)


All questions regarding this Request for Proposals shall be emailed to

Questions can be submitted until September 15, 2022; answers will be provided to all prequalified consultants on September 21, 2022.

Marcia Turner, P.E., Contracts Manager
Division of Engineering and Design

Doc. No. 050501