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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 32 - August 11, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Administration
Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders

Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Office of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.

All bids are to be submitted via email only to For more information, please visit

08/17/2022 EVT0008643 Department of Commerce – West Coast Business Recruitment Consultant
08/19/2022 EVT0008657 Department of Revenue – 60 Day Permit Protectors
08/26/2022 EVT0008683 OSH – Water Main Valve Exercising Osawatomie
08/26/2022 EVT0008688 School for the Deaf – Motor Coach Services for Two Trips During School Year
08/30/2022 EVT0008673 State of Kansas – Various Papers and Envelopes
09/01/2022 EVT0008689 OFPM – Ground Mounted Roof Top Unit- Printing Plant Topeka
09/06/2022 EVT0008678 Kansas State Judicial Branch – Security Services
09/07/2022 EVT0008680 Department for Children and Families – Armed Security Services
09/08/2022 EVT0008681 Department of Revenue – Contract to Provide Cigarette Tax Stamps
04/30/2023 EVT0008682 Department of Administration – Master Consulting Services

The above referenced bid documents can be downloaded at the following website:

Additional files may be located at the following website (please monitor this website on a regular basis for any changes/addenda):

09/01/2022 A-013994 Adjutant General’s Department – National Guard/Reserve Center Building

Information regarding prequalification, projects, and bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or

Richard Beattie, Director
Office of Procurement and Contracts

Doc. No. 050421