Volume 41 - Issue 32 - August 11, 2022
State of Kansas
Department of Transportation
Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids for liquid magnesium chloride for snow/ice treatment will be accepted by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) until 2:00 p.m. August 23, 2022. The Invitation for Bid document can be accessed at https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/ERP/c/SCP_PUBLIC_MENU_FL.SCP_PUB_BID_CMP_FL.GBL.
All bids shall be submitted electronically via email to KDOT#Procurement@ks.gov clearly marked as Bid Event 0008679.
Pam Anderson, Director
Fiscal and Asset Management
Doc. No. 050413