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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 30 - July 28, 2022

(Published in the Kansas Register July 28, 2022.)

Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City

Notice to Bidders


The Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City (The J) is seeking sealed bids for the project listed below. The Jā€™s mission is to build a strong, vibrant, and inclusive community that enhances wellness, meaning, and joy, based on Jewish values, heritage, and culture.


As we seek to increase the security of our facility, we are installing turnstiles at our main entrance. This will allow us to better control the flow of individuals withing our facility and allow us to track who is in the building. The turnstiles will also act as a deterrent to those who wish to do us harm.


We need three lanes of traffic for all incoming traffic. Outgoing traffic will be using a separate door except in the case of emergencies. Our front entrance was recently remodeled so we will not be making any changes or modifications to the floor.


  • Three lanes mounted on baseplates
  • The turnstiles and gate will need to be touchless optical turnstiles
  • Two (2) turnstiles will need to be 42ā€
  • One gate will need to be 36ā€
  • All three lanes will need a reader installed with the following requirements
    • Credentials
      • 1D barcode
      • 2D barcode
      • Proximity Cards
    • Work with OpenPath
  • All turnstiles will need custom etching
  • A press to open button will need to be installed for the gate
  • Tied into our fire alarm system

Power will be supplied by The J to the power supplies. Conduit is currently run to two locations within the walls for running wires to the turnstiles.

All quotes should include project management, coordination, programming, testing, training, and at least 1-year parts and labor warranty.

The turnstiles will need to be installed in coordination with The J before January 27, 2023.


A budget is not being offered as we are seeking the best price available by all vendors.


Any questions a vendor has can be directed to Site visits are encouraged and can be scheduled by emailing the same address.

Proposal Deadline

All bids must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. (CDT) August 17, 2022, to

Selection Process

A vendor will be chosen no later than close of business on August 26, 2022. The winning vendor will be chosen on price, quality of service, quality of product, and understanding of the project.

Infill is not included in this request for quote but would need to be quoted separately.

David Green
Director of Information Technology

Doc. No. 050363