Volume 41 - Issue 26 - June 30, 2022
State of Kansas
(Published in the Kansas Register June 30, 2022.)
City of Overland Park, Kansas
Notice of Public Information Meeting
The City of Overland Park, Kansas will be conducting a Google Meet public information meeting, regarding the Switzer Road Improvements, 159th Street to 167th Street project at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, 2022. The main focus of the meeting will be to introduce the contractor and go over the anticipated construction schedule for the project.
To view and listen to the virtual meeting online using a device connected to the internet, please use the video call link at https://meet.google.com/zpn-uyao-wrd.
To listen to the meeting by phone, please dial 929-238-0813 and enter PIN 962 496 702# when prompted.
Please contact Brent Gerard, Civil Engineer, at the City of Overland Park, Kansas at 913-895-6193, if you have any questions about the meeting.
If you need special accommodations for the meeting, call 913-895-6155 (Kansas Relay Service 1-800-766-3777). Please give 48-hrs notice.
Si requière asistencia en español, favor de llamar a Ed Reyes al 913-895-6047.
Jennifer Gilbert
Contract Specialist
Public Works Department
Doc. No. 050283