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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 25 - June 23, 2022

State of Kansas

Governor’s Grants Program

Notice of Available Grant Funding

Grant funds are available from the Federal Victim Assistance of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance grant program for the funding period of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, to eligible applicants. The purpose of this grant program is to fund public agencies, American Indian tribe/organizations, nonprofit, community, and faith-based organizations, including underserved and culturally specific populations providing direct assistance to crime victims. For the purpose of these grant program guidelines, direct services are defined as those efforts that (1) respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims; (2) assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after a victimization; (3) assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system; and (4) provide victims of crime with a measure of safety such as boarding up broken windows and replacing or repairing locks. A crime victim is a person who has suffered physical, sexual, financial, or emotional harm as a result of the commission of a crime.

All grant applications must be submitted via the Kansas Governor’s Grant Portal by 11:59 p.m., July 27, 2022. To quickly locate the solicitation in the Grant Portal, use “CRIME VICTIM” for the keywords in your search or access the 2023 VOCA Solicitation at For more information, contact the Kansas Governor’s Grants Program at 785-291-3205 or

A pre-application webinar, for new VOCA applicants, will be held at 8:30 a.m. Monday, July 11, 2022. The webinar may be accessed at

Juliene Maska

Doc. No. 050259