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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 21 - May 26, 2022

State of Kansas

Board of Regents Universities

Request for Proposals and Qualifications

Emporia State University is seeking to establish a relationship with an Energy Services Company (ESCO) for the purposes of developing and implementing an Energy Performance Contract as defined by K.S.A. 75-37,125. Emporia State University desires to select a full-service firm who will be available to assist with all aspects for project development, project implementation, ongoing support, and the long-term guarantee of savings.

The deadline for submitting your response will be no later than 4:00 p.m. June 16, 2022.

Parties interested in obtaining a Request for Proposal should contact Emporia State University, Attn: Ashley Brandt, 1 Kellogg Cir., Campus Box 4021, Emporia, KS, 66801, phone 620-341-5137, email

Diana Kuhlmann
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Emporia State University

Doc. No. 050142