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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 18 - May 5, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Agriculture

Permanent Administrative Regulation


4-7-804. Schedule of fees for nonregulatory laboratory work. (a) Each person who requests the Kansas department of agriculture laboratory to perform any of the following analyses shall pay the department $15.00 for each analysis:

(1) An analysis to determine the presence of coliforms or E. coli in water used for dairy production or dairy processing;

(2) an analysis to determine the percentage of added water in raw milk;

(3) an analysis to determine the percentage of butterfat in raw milk, retail milk, or milk products; and

(4) an analysis to determine the amount of extraneous material in raw milk.

(b) Each person who requests any of the following analyses by the department shall pay the department $30.00 for each analysis:

(1) An analysis to determine the total bacteria count in raw milk, pasteurized milk, or milk products, using the standard plate count method;

(2) an analysis to determine the total coliform plate count in pasteurized milk or milk products;

(3) an analysis to determine the total bacteria count in water used for dairy production or dairy processing; and

(4) an analysis to determine the total bacteria and coliform plate count in food-grade packaging materials used for dairy foods.

(c) Each person who requests any of the following analyses by the department shall pay the department $50.00 for each analysis:

(1) An analysis to determine the presence of beta-lactam antibiotic drug residues in raw milk, pasteurized milk, or milk products;

(2) an analysis to determine the percentage of protein in raw milk;

(3) an analysis to determine the manual count of somatic cells in raw milk; and

(4) an analysis to determine the presence of tetracycline antibiotic drug residue or sulfonamide antibiotic drug residue in raw milk.

(d) Each person who requests any of the following analyses by the department shall pay the department $80.00 for each analysis:

(1) An analysis to determine the electronic count of somatic cells in raw milk;

(2) an analysis to determine the proportion of alkaline phosphatase in pasteurized milk; and

(3) an analysis to determine the quantification of aflatoxin in raw milk.

(e) Each person who requests the department to perform an analysis to determine the quantification of vitamins A and D3 in pasteurized milk shall pay the department $130.00 for each analysis.

(f) The performance of any analysis for nonregulatory purposes may be refused by the secretary. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 65-777; effective Dec. 20, 2002; amended May 20, 2022.)

Mike Beam

Doc. No. 050102