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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 18 - May 5, 2022

State of Kansas

Office of the Governor

Executive Order No. 22-04
Governor’s Reward for Information Regarding the Murder of Doris E. Branson

WHEREAS, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, the Franklin County Attorney, and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (“KBI”) are investigating the murder of Doris E. Branson on March 20, 1992, in her home in rural Franklin County, several miles north of Ottawa, Kansas; and

WHEREAS, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the KBI conducted an exhaustive investigation, including over 200 formal interviews, polygraph examinations, and forensic testing; and

WHEREAS, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, the Franklin County Attorney, and the KBI believe that a Governor’s Reward would result in new leads or the expansion of information from known and unknown associates of two suspects identified as result of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office’s and KBI’s exhaustive investigation;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Kansas by K.S.A 75-113, I do hereby offer a reward of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of any person responsible for Doris E. Branson’s murder.

This document shall be filed with the Secretary of State as Executive Order No. 22-04 and shall become effective immediately.

Dated April 26, 2022.

Laura Kelly

Doc. No. 050096