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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 16 - April 21, 2022

(Published in the Kansas Register April 21, 2022.)

Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency, Inc.

Request for Proposals

The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency, Inc. (FHATA) is soliciting firm cost proposals from a well-qualified marketing and advertising firm(s) (Firm) for the following primary tasks: to develop and execute marketing campaigns that assist with customer inspiration, education, and awareness of FHATA services, in addition to providing advertising services on both a scheduled and as needed basis to maintain compliance and meet funding requirements and needs.

Proposals for the project will be received until 5:00 p.m. (CDT) Friday, May 13, 2022, at the FHATA, 5815 Marlatt Ave., Manhattan, Kansas. Proposals must be submitted in writing and clearly marked: RFP #: FY22-1006. No public bid opening will be hosted.

The issuing office for the proposal documents is Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency, Inc., Attn: Melanie Tuttle, 5815 Marlatt Ave., Manhattan, KS 66503, email

Request for Proposal (RFP) documents may be obtained by request by sending email to or via FHATA’s website at

There is no pre-bid conference for this project. Any questions, comments, or requests for clarification are due from the proposer by 5:00 p.m. (CDT) April 29, 2022, and must be submitted in writing to Melanie Tuttle, Finance Director, at and will anticipate having an answer by close of business May 4, 2022. If required, FHATA’s response to these submissions will be in the form of an addendum.

The project is funded with federal, state, and local funds, with major programs funded Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding through 5307 Urban Funding and Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) 5311 rural funding. Federal and State certifications and clauses will apply.

In connection with carrying out this project, the proposer shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or handicap. FHATA reserves the right to solicit or to waive a new solicitation, for new bids if sufficient effort, as determined by FHATA, has not been made to comply with the DBE goals and requirements.

FHATA reserves the right to accept or to reject any and/or all bids, to re-advertise for bids and to waive any informality in any proposal and to determine the most responsive bid by its own criteria, as described within the specifications.

All prospective proposers should notify Melanie Tuttle via email of intent to bid at It is the proposer’s responsibility to check the website for any addendums and signature sheets prior to submitting their bids at FHATA will not be responsible for communicating with firms that do no not notify us of their interest in this solicitation.

Melanie Tuttle, CPA
Finance Director
913-738-4262 (Direct)
785-537-6345 (Office)

Doc. No. 050067