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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 16 - April 21, 2022

(Published in the Kansas Register April 21, 2022.)

Cimarron Valley Railroad

Request for Proposals

Interest parties are invited to submit a proposal to complete the below scope for the proposed Cimarron Valley Railroad (CVR) track rehabilitation project Satana, Kansas.

Scope of Work

CVR track rehabilitation project from Satana, Kansas to Ulysses Kansas. Provide all necessary labor, equipment, and logistical services to provide labor cost to complete all rehab and track construction work, ties, ballast, etc. The scope is further described as follows:

  • Extract and install approximately 1600, new 7x9x8.6’ (industrial grade) or equivalent crossties.
  • Demo old 90# rail (4,778 track feet); install 112# or equivalent (4,778 feet) rail and needed OTM – plates, spikes, anchors, bolt/washer/nut assemblies and comp welds.
  • Install 2,750 tons of ballast. To include, tamping and regulating. (20,650 feet)
  • In accordance with AREMA standards, ballast shoulders must be dressed at the end of each workday to prevent thermal deviation in track due to disturbed roadbed.
  • Repair six bridges caps, stringers, piles, headwalls, and two fill in with culverts.
  • Rehabilitate approximately 31 road crossings rail, ties, OTM.
  • Clean-up work sites.
  • Any pre-existing rail, ties, or OTM that is removed when installing components, must be removed and disposed of according to all local, state, and federal regulations.
  • Additional details concerning the scope of work needing to be done with each portion of the project, will be addressed at the pre-bid meeting.

Minimum Requirements

MSA and Roadway Worker Protection

Contractors must complete, and have on file, a current Master Services Agreement with the CVR. Prior to submitting a proposal.

  1. Contractors shall comply with all parts of 49 CFR Part 214 and 219 regarding FRA Roadway Worker Safety at all times. Men and equipment shall remain clear of the track unless they have gained Roadway Worker Protection from a qualified person.
  2. Contractor, contractor employees, agents and/or subcontractors must be enrolled and comply with the FRA 219 approved drug testing program.
  3. Any subcontracted work will need to be approved by the CVR prior to any work starting.

Work Windows

Impact to current railroad operations must be kept to a minimum. When work must take place that causes an active track to be taken out of service for the purposes of performing work that pertains to the project, the contractor must pre-arrange a defined work window with the railroad. Contractor can anticipate a minimum work window of eight hours with no more than one schedule of interruption in that time frame, between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00. For work windows extending more than eight hours, a minimum of 72 hours of notification is required to the railroad to arrange this window.

Work windows may be arranged seven days a week, if desired. Current railroad operations consist of at least one train per day through the work area. This train operates in the evening hours; however, this schedule is subject to change at any time. This topic will be further discussed and clarified during the pre-proposal meeting.


All standards referenced by the project plans and specifications, as well as all applicable AREMA standards must be upheld during all phases of the project work, unless certain standards are excluded from the project with written approval by the CVR. All rails shall be replaced at standard gauge of 56-1/2”.


The following documents shall be submitted by the Contractor as part of the project–at the times listed:

  1. Schedule of Work – Submitted with proposal
  2. Certificate of Insurance – Submitted prior to construction
  3. Safety Plan – Submitted prior to construction
  4. Proof of Roadway Worker Training – Submitted prior to construction
  5. Rail Testing (if AREMA #1 Relay Rail is used) – Submitted prior to construction
  6. All contractors must recognize this is a state contract
  7. Rail Weld UT Test Requirements (all rail comp welds) – Submitted with billing

Other Responsibilities

  1. Permits – Contractor is responsible for all federal, state, and local permits required for the work.
  2. Utilities – Contractor is responsible to locate and protect site utilities.
  3. Site Clean-up – Contractor is responsible for proper site restoration and proper disposal of materials removed in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws.


Contractor shall purchase required coverage and submit for verification a Certificate of Insurance.


All materials shall meet the requirements found in the project plans and/or specifications as well as applicable AREMA requirements. Material storage is granted on railroad right of way to the contractor. However, no materials shall be stored closer than 15’ from the centerline of any active track at any time. Material and equipment laydown areas and reclaimed materials stockpiling locations shall be discussed and further clarified at the pre-proposal meeting. All removed materials remain property of the K&O Railroad, to be stockpiled as directed by a Railroad Representative.

Non-Project Areas

The CVR has secured access to the project through the railroad right of way. Other access may be obtained by the contractor if he so chooses. All areas (public, private, and railroad right of way) that are used for access to the project, including parts of the railroad right of way which have no proposed work, shall be maintained and/or remediated, incidental to the project, by the contractor to the satisfaction of the property owner if any damage to these areas occurs.

Pre-Proposal Meeting

The CVR shall hold a pre-proposal meeting at the project site 1:00 p.m. (CDT) May 12, 2022. The meeting shall be held at the CVR office in Satana, Kansas. Contractors are required to be present at this meeting to submit a proposal or their proposal can be rejected.

Project Completion

All work pertaining to this project shall be completed by September 30, 2022. Failure to complete work by September 30, 2022, may result in the contractor’s removal from the property or charges of $2500/day until completed to satisfaction.

Submission of a Proposal

All proposals must be submitted no later than May 31, 2022. All submitted proposals shall be reviewed by the CVR. Please ensure your proposal includes all required information. All incomplete proposals shall be rejected. Contractors who wish to submit a proposal must attend the pre-proposal meeting. The structure of your proposal must be able to be clearly understood, all proposals shall provide the following line items and provide costs as required below:

  1. Provide a total sum of all line items on the proposal
  2. Mobilization and Demobilization – Lump sum
  3. Install 4,778 track feet of #115 RE rail or equivalent
  4. Extract and install approximately 1,600 new, 7x9x8.6’ (IG) or equivalent crossties
  5. Distribute approximately 2,750 tons ballast
  6. Rehabilitate approximately 31 road crossing 115# rail, ties, and all OTM
  7. Tamp and regulate approximately 20,650 feet
  8. Bridge repairs work on approximately six bridges scope of work will be available at pre bid meeting
  9. Include any or all applicable taxes
  10. Clean up all work sites to completion

Work Reporting

Daily work reports must be filled out and submitted to Rod Bell, CVR Roadmaster at, phone 307-679-4460 and Neal Jacobs, Division Engineer at, phone 316-215-4087. Weekly reports should include updates to project schedules, any delays or any change in the scope of work. A detailed summary report must be submitted at the completion of the project. Daily Reporting shall consist of daily progress reports simultaneously emailed to Rod Bell and Neal Jacobs.

For further information or questions regarding the request for proposals, or submitting a proposal, needs to be simultaneously emailed to Rod Bell and Neal Jacob, or contacted by phone.

Neal Jacobs
Division Engineer
Jaguar Rail Transport

Doc. No. 050057