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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 15 - April 14, 2022

State of Kansas

Legislative Administrative Services

Legislative Bills and Resolutions Introduced

The following numbers and titles of bills and resolutions were introduced March 31 – April 6 during the 2022 session of the Kansas Legislature. Full text of bills, bill tracking, and other information may be accessed at

House Bills

HB 2748, AN ACT concerning health and healthcare; enacting the no patient left alone act; requiring hospitals and other healthcare settings to allow in-person visitation of patients or residents, by Committee on Federal and State Affairs.

House Concurrent Resolutions

HCR 5036, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION extending the 2022 regular session of the Legislature beyond 90 calendar days; providing for the adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during such regular session, by Representatives Ryckman, Hawkins and Sawyer.

Doc. No. 050029