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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 11 - March 17, 2022

State of Kansas

Secretary of State

Notice of Forfeiture

In accordance with Kansas statutes, the following business entities organized under the laws of Kansas and the foreign business entities authorized to do business in Kansas were forfeited during the month of February 2022 for failure to timely file an annual report and pay the annual report fee.

Please Note: The following list represents business entities forfeited in February. Any business entity listed may have filed for reinstatement and be considered in good standing. To check the status of a business entity, go to the Kansas Business Center’s Business Entity Search Station at (select Business Entity Database) or contact the Business Services Division at 785-296-4564.

Domestic Business Entities

A Love Seed, Inc., Oberlin, KS
Ace Fire Extinguisher Co., Inc., Hutchinson, KS
Aydogdu19 Corp., Park City, KS
Berean Baptist Church of Wichita, Inc., Wichita, KS
Bill and Nancy Cohlmia Family Foundation, Wichita, KS
Caldwell Mission, Inc., Caldwell, KS
Collab, Inc., Shawnee, KS
CS Brothers Corporation, Shawnee, KS
DBR Designs, Inc., Overland Park, KS
DKO Cars, Inc., Manhattan, KS
Floyds Handyman and Remodel, Inc., Baxter Springs, KS
Grizzly Pride, Inc., Beloit, KS
Haven Grade School Parent Teacher Organization, Inc., Haven, KS
Healthcare Innovations Consultants, Inc., Lawrence, KS
Ideal Enterprises, LLC
J & C Motors, Inc., Manhattan, KS
J&S Designs and More Corporation, Olathe, KS
Johnson Brothers Construction, Inc., Wellington, KS
Just Like You, Inc., Mission Hills, KS
Kansas International Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Wichita, KS
Manhattan Student Housing, LLC, Leawood, KS
Piston Tribune Co. Burlingame, KS
R. Boese Consulting Ltd., Pincher Creek, AB, CN
Remember to Remember, Inc., Topeka, KS
Rolling Hills, Inc., Liberal, KS
Shawnee Heights Parent Association for Speech and Debate, Tecumseh, KS
Variety Vending Company, Cimarron, KS
Willow Montessori, Inc., Kansas City, MO
Winzer Franchise Company, Plano, TX
Wrestledb Software Corp., Overland Park, KS
261 Fearless Club Kansas City, Inc., Kansas City, MO

Foreign Business Entities

Chaos Home Loans LLC, Las Vegas, NV
Clayton Masonry, Inc., Fort Worth, TX
Grammatech, Inc., Ithaca, NY
James M. Barb Construction, Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Precise Systems, Inc., Lexington Park, MD
Royal Cup, Inc., Birmingham, AL
Securewatch24, LLC, Moonachie, NJ
Winzer Corporation, Plano, TX

Scott Schwab
Secretary of State

Doc. No. 049927