Volume 41 - Issue 8 - February 24, 2022
State of Kansas
Department of Transportation
Public Notice
Public notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), has prepared a final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the modernization and expansion of the US-69 corridor located in Johnson County, Kansas. Additionally, FHWA has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the project. The City of Overland Park, Kansas and the Kansas Turnpike Authority are serving as partners on the study.
The overall environmental study limits begin just south of W. 179th Street and extend to just north of 103rd Street. The overall length is approximately 10 miles. Major roads at interchanges are included within the environmental study area, including W. 103rd Street, College Boulevard, W. 119th Street, Blue Valley Parkway, W. 135th Street, W. 151st Street, W. 167th Street and W. 179th Street. Additionally, I-435 at the interchange with US-69 is included.
A copy of the signed FONSI and final EA along with supporting documentation can be found on the project website at http://www.69express.org.
For further information contact Kansas Department of Transportation, Steve Rockers, US-69 Express Project Director, 700 SW Harrison St., Topeka, KS 66603-3745; phone 785-296-1004; email Steve.Rockers@ks.gov.
Julie Lorenz
Doc. No. 049861