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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 3 - January 20, 2022

State of Kansas

Secretary of State

Notice of Forfeiture

In accordance with Kansas statutes, the following business entities organized under the laws of Kansas and the foreign business entities authorized to do business in Kansas were forfeited during the month of December 2021 for failure to timely file an annual report and pay the annual report fee.

Please Note: The following list represents business entities forfeited in December. Any business entity listed may have filed for reinstatement and be considered in good standing. To check the status of a business entity go to the Kansas Business Center’s Business Entity Search Station at (select Business Entity Database) or contact the Business Services Division at 785-296-4564.

Domestic Business Entities

Alexander Mechanical Contractors, Inc., Kansas City, MO
All American Auto Mart, Inc., Edwardsville, KS
BBM Motors, Inc., Manhattan, KS
Bonafide Auto Remarketing, Inc., Plover, WI
Business Setop, Inc., Wichita, KS
Cam Cor L23SVC, Inc., Jersey City, NJ
Control Vision Corporation, Pittsburg, KS
DJT Engineering, Inc., Orefield, PA
Flying W Farms, Inc., Scott City, KS
Heartland Roundtable Club, Overland Park, KS
HT Ranch, Inc., Belleville, KS
Iglesia De Cristo Palabra Viva Church, Olathe, KS
Indygo Junction, Inc., Prairie Village, KS
Inspiring Auto Sales, Inc., Manhattan, KS
J. Herbster, Inc., Bonner Springs, KS
Kansas Collegiate Officials Hall of Fame Association, Maize, KS
Lane Enterprises, Inc., El Dorado, KS
Maverick Feeders, Inc., Maize, KS
Max Distributing, Inc., Wichita, KS
NJN Capodimonte USA, LLC
NVH, Inc., Salina, KS
Pizzini and Hansen, Inc., Kansas City, KS
Relex Trading, Inc., Manhattan, KS
Riverfront Residences, L.P., Wichita, KS
Robinson Co., Wichita, KS
Roco, Inc., Liberal, KS
Scofield’s Classic Mustangs, Inc., Belleville, KS
Shine Solar Energy, Inc., Wichita, KS
Shortstop Farms, LLC, Wakarusa, KS
Sky Light Auto, Inc., Manhattan, KS
Toxic Corporation, Wichita, KS
Triple Threat Athletics Booster Club, Inc., Liberty, MO
Valley Falls Cemetery Association, Valley Falls, KS
Viva International, Inc., Overland Park, KS
Wonderland Farm and Apiary, L.L.C., Manhattan, KS
Woodson’s Special Service, Inc., Hutchinson, KS
9001 West 135th Street Owner, LLC, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Foreign Business Entities

B&B Medical Services, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK
BKD Capital Advisors, LLC, Springfield, MO
Buck’s, Inc., Topeka, KS
Dlorah, Inc., Rapid City, SD
Fedex Custom Critical, Inc., Uniontown, OH
General Pet Supply Midwest, LLC, Milwaukee, WI
Hugs Healthcare, Inc., Frisco, TX
Lewis C. Musser, Inc., La Jolla, CA
Longboards W&B, LLC, Kansas City, MO
Midwest Recovery Systems, LLC, Earth City, MO
NBC Health Corp., Lenexa, KS
NIR Roof Care, Inc., Huntley, IL
Patton’s Medical, LLC, Charlotte, NC
Phil Hansen Construction, Inc., Spring Hill, KS
Ruby Tuesday, Inc., Maryville, TN
Stonecroft, Inc., Leesburg, VA

Scott Schwab
Secretary of State

Doc. No. 049728