Volume 41 - Issue 2 - January 13, 2022
(Published in the Kansas Register January 13, 2022.)
V & S Railway, LLC
Request for Proposals
V & S Railway, LLC (VSR) is requesting proposals from railroad track contractors for the labor, equipment, fuel, and incidental materials required to remove and replace approximately 8,320 cross ties (AREMA Grade 7 [7” x 9” X 8’-6”]) on the main track (Attica, Kansas (MP 0.19) to Medicine Lodge, Kansas (MP 21.0)) consisting of one- and two-mile segments at the rate of approximately 1,000 ties per mile between MP 3.5 and MP 17.0 at five track segments. KDOT Project No. 106 RA-5711-21.
The replacement cross ties, spikes, tie plugs and casualty rail and OTM will be furnished by VSR. The VSR main line is predominately 112 lb/yd CWR east of MP 12.9 and 112 lb/yd jointed rail west of MP 12.9 with scattered segments of 90 lb/yd and 115 lb/yd rail.
Copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained by contacting Ed Landreth, a contractor to the VSR and the designated VSR Project Manager for this project at phone number 505-239-9915 or via email at EWLandreth@aol.com.
RFPs are due February 14, 2022. V & S Railway, LLC reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities.
Ed Landreth
Project Manager
Doc. No. 049726