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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 36 - September 9, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms

Background and Purpose of Project

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking a consultant to provide construction inspection services for projects 31-70 KA-2365-01 and 106 KA-6092-01.

  • Project 31-70 KA-2365-01 is the reconstruction of K-31 in Osage County. The project location is from Osage City east to US-75
  • Project 106 KA-6092-01 is highway signing improvements on K-130, US-50, US-56, K-78, K99 and K-170 in Lyon, Chase, Wabaunsee, Osage, and Greenwood Counties


Request for Proposals (RFPs) are due at or before 12:00 p.m. (CST) September 24, 2021, to be delivered via email to Evaluation and ranking of submissions will occur on or about October 4, 2021, after which time all firms that submitted will be notified of the selection. Negotiations with the most highly ranked firm to commence on or about October 8, 2021. An agreement should be in place on or about October 22, 2021.

  • Construction for Project 31-70 KA-2365-01 began in May 2021 with an open to traffic date of September 30, 2022, and an overall calendar completion date of December 2, 2022. The construction inspection services requested are expected to begin urgently
  • Project letting for 106 KA-6092-01 is September 2021. The project has 155 working days with an anticipated Notice to Proceed late 2021 or early 2022

Scope of Services to be Performed

The project manager and inspectors must be capable of inspecting any work on the project, which includes grading, subgrade/base, concrete, HMA plant, HMA roadway, traffic control, seeding, erosion control, signing, CMS or AASHTOWare data entry, all project records, all project paperwork, and final paperwork, etc. Project records and paperwork including but not limited to: diary, pay quantities, certifications, sample identifications, change orders, pay estimates, monitoring subcontractor payments, and monitoring contractor’s payrolls, etc. Records and paperwork must be submitted accurately and timely. For project 106 KA-6092-01 provide project management and all inspectors as needed to ensure inspection and material testing for this project are done correctly. For project 31-70 KA-2365-01 KDOT anticipates a need for four or five inspectors to supplement KDOT staff but the number of required inspectors will fluctuate throughout the project depending on the contractor’s schedule and how they pursue the work. Provide all the equipment necessary to inspect and test materials.

Instructions for Proposal

No costs shall be contained in the proposal. The technical proposal must not exceed four (4) pages total (including any cover letter, index, etc.) and 2MB to address the pertinent topics. The subject line of the reply email and the PDF file name must read “31-70 KA-2365-01_106 KA-6092-01_FIRM NAME.” Submittals will consist of the technical proposal and a completed and signed Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and a signed Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). Completed Special Attachments do not count against the four-page technical proposal submission. All these forms are attached to the original email announcement.

Proposals shall indicate the consultant’s ability to meet the project inspection needs described above. Proposals shall describe any processes or procedures, including best practices, that will be used to perform tasks and to produce the desired results described above under “Scope of Services to be Performed.” The proposal shall also include items such as:

  • Name and work history of project manager for 106 KA-6092-01
  • History of providing inspection services on similar projects
  • Availability of staff
  • Familiarity with KDOT standards and specifications
  • Any subconsultant and their role in performing the services on the project
  • Names, certifications, and experience of all inspectors that will be assigned to the project
  • Anticipated time to close out project paperwork

Evaluation Factors

Proposals will be evaluated based on the factors listed below, evenly weighted, to rank the most qualified firm in order of preference as first, second, third, etc. Evaluation factors include:

  1. How the consultant plans to meet the fluctuating inspection needs of the project;
  2. Employee names, certifications and qualifications proposed for services;
  3. Past performance history on similar projects (list project numbers) for KDOT;
  4. Anticipated time to close out project paperwork;
  5. Proximity of inspectors to project;
  6. Types of direct expenses anticipated (lodging, mileage, etc.).

The highest ranked firm will be asked to enter into negotiations with KDOT for an agreement. In the event KDOT cannot reach agreement with the highest ranked firm, it will terminate negotiations with such firm and commence negotiations with the next highest ranked firm, and so on, until either agreement is reached for a satisfactory scope of services for a fair and reasonable price, or KDOT decides to pursue other alternatives.

Exhibits to this Technical Proposal Request

  • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)
  • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”)

Contract Terms and Conditions

A standard KDOT project inspection agreement will be used for this project. Current rate factors will be used for compensation, and Special Attachments for the Kansas “Tax Clearance Certificate” and the “Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment” will become attachments to the contract.

Questions about this request for proposal shall be sent via email to

Ben Asnicar, PE
Interim Contracts Engineer

Doc. No. 049432