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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 32 - August 12, 2021

State of Kansas

Insurance Department

Notice of Changes in Pharmacy Networks

Pursuant to K.S.A. 40-2,153, the Commissioner of Insurance is publishing notice that a change has occurred in a pharmacy network in the State of Kansas.

Aetna Health, Inc. and Aetna Life Insurance Company has notified the Department of the following additions and deletions to their pharmacy HMO and PPO networks:


Facility Name Street Address City State
Auburn Pharmacy 400 Ames St. Baldwin City KS
Auburn Pharmacy 211 Main St. Carbondale KS
Auburn Pharmacy 429 N. Maple St. Garnett KS
Auburn Pharmacy 6 W. Broadway Lebo KS
Auburn Pharmacy 209 W. 2nd St. Minneapolis KS
Auburn Pharmacy 625 Main St. Mound City KS
Auburn Pharmacy 890 Lakin St. Osage City KS
Kansas City Urology Care, PA 10701 Nall Ave., Suite 100 Overland Park KS
Capstone Pharmacy 11844 Quivira Rd. Overland Park KS
Auburn LTC Parsons 2020 Main St. Parsons KS
DC Drug LTC 101 N. Main St. Troy KS


Facility Name Street Address City State
Family Pharmacy 12200 W. 106th St., Suite 140 Overland Park KS
Medical Center Pharmacy 2020 Central Ave. Dodge City KS
Auburn Pharmacy 716 N. 4th St. Burlington KS
Schroeder Drugs, Inc. 535 Market St. Osage City KS
Auburn Pharmacy 2020 Main St. Parsons KS
Central Care Pharmacy 8919 Parallel Pkwy., Suite 250 Kansas City KS

Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., and affiliates, GCLIC and CHLIC, hereby submits notice pursuant to Section 40-2,153 with respect to implementation of Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., pharmacy network of Kansas. The name and address of the contact person for pharmacy network contracting is Julie Lesmes, Legal Compliance Lead Analyst, Routing B6LPA, 900 Cottage Grove Rd., Hartford, CT 06152.


Facility Name Street Address City State
Auburn LTC Burlington 716 N. 4th St. Burlington KS
Capstone Pharmacy 11844 Quivira Rd. Overland Park KS


Facility Name Street Address City State
Free State Pharmacy, LLC 3200 Haskell Ave. Lawrence KS

Humana Health Plan and Humana Insurance Company Pharmacy Network has notified the Department of the following additions and deletions to the pharmacy network:


Facility Name Street Address City State
Free State Pharmacy 3200 Haskell Ave., Suite 140 Lawrence KS
FHC Pharmacy Turner 2002 S. 51st St. Kansas City KS

Any questions should be directed to the Insurance Department at 785-296-3071.

Vicki Schmidt
Insurance Commissioner

Doc. No. 049352