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Publications iconKansas Register


Pooled Money Investment Board

Notice of Investment Rates

Secretary of State

Code Mortgage Rate for May

New State Laws

Kansas Legislature

Senate Bill 38, concerning agriculture; relating to environmental remediation; the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation; implementing the provisions of 2011 executive reorganization order No. 40; establishing the Kansas pesticide waste disposal program and the Kansas pesticide waste disposal fund; permitting annual transfers from the Kansas agricultural remediation fund to the Kansas pesticide waste disposal fund

Senate Bill 127, concerning drivers’ licenses; relating to online renewals of commercial driver’s licenses and licenses for individuals up to 65 years of age; providing for the renewal of licenses to be delivered electronically; eligibility for restricted driving privileges; renewal of expired licenses and identification cards; permitting the waiver of traffic fines and court costs in certain manifest hardship situations; providing an exclusion from the additional 90-day period for suspended or revoked licenses

House Bill 2143, concerning sales taxation; relating to exemptions; extending the sunset date of the exemption of certain cash rebates on sales or leases of new motor vehicles; modifying the exemption for construction materials for certain educational institutions; defining nonprofit integrated community care organizations and providing an exemption therefor; providing an exemption for friends of hospice of Jefferson county; relating to returns and payment of tax by retailers; increasing sales tax collection thresholds

Senate Substitute for House Bill 2208, concerning health and healthcare; relating to health professions and facilities; establishing rural emergency hospitals as a rural healthcare licensure category; requirements for licensure; certification and funding of certified community behavioral health clinics; prescribing powers, duties and functions of the Kansas department for aging and disability services and the department of health and environment related thereto; authorizing the issuance of telemedicine waivers for the practice of telemedicine by out-of-state healthcare providers; relating to professions regulated by the behavioral sciences regulatory board; reducing certain licensing requirements; expanding temporary practice permits and the board’s grounds for discipline; providing grant assistance to hospitals in certain counties; prescribing powers, duties and functions of the secretary of health and environment related thereto; establishing the rural hospital innovation grant program and rural hospital innovation grant fund


Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Permanent Administrative Regulation